
A Twig syntax mode for Coda and SubEthaEdit.

Twig (+HTML) syntax mode for Coda and SubEthaEdit

A Twig (+HTML) syntax mode for Coda (and possibly SubEthaEdit) written by bobthecow.

Twig-HTML.mode currently supports:

  • Complete HTML syntax highlighting.
  • All Twig template tags and constructs (through 0.9.10).
  • Blocks and macros in the Code Navigator.
  • Autocomplete for core Twig tags and filters.
  • i18n extension tags and filters (including autocompletion).
  • Symfony2 core Twig tags and filters.


Drop Twig-HTML.mode into ~Library/Application Support/Coda/Modes. If that folder doesn't exist, create it.


  1. Install.
  2. Open a file with a .twig extension in Coda or SubEthaEdit.
  3. ?
  4. Profit!