- 1
Malformed document
#185 opened by jzumbrun - 2
Debian installation & dependencies problems
#231 opened by teymour - 4
php7 support
#228 opened by ThomasDupont - 1
Suggest that people check out Mongoku instead
#230 opened by julien-c - 3
Failed to connect with user and password
#226 opened by guirto - 2
not showing collections Ubuntu 16.04, mongo 3.14.3
#229 opened by pelon888 - 1
Genghis pages are a memory hog
#227 opened by Celelibi - 5
Compatibility with new PHP Mongo driver
#223 opened by julien-c - 1
Authentication problem with Mongodb 3.0
#214 opened by oae - 7
Can't connect to database with authentication
#206 opened by Jobarion - 4
Giving Unknown error
#224 opened by Rohitverma47 - 10
Wiredtiger Support - Undefined index: fileSize
#208 opened by henryoswald - 2
- 30
- 2
Not Displaying Collections
#222 opened by sagargulati - 1
- 1
Auto arrange by ID
#220 opened by sagargulati - 8
WiredTiger - Can't list collections
#209 opened by remialvado - 4
How to create an index?
#219 opened by georgeu2000 - 10
404 not found
#218 opened by Chensienyong - 0
WAMP + Genghis + MongoDB
#216 opened by sagargulati - 7
- 1
Is there a way to hide the remove button?
#212 opened by tleung999 - 0
No databases when connecting through mongos
#211 opened by taxilian - 0
Genghis can't handle map keys with dots
#210 opened by Scorpiion - 0
Infinity or NaN crash JSON view #bug
#207 opened by sagish - 17
- 1
- 0
Show search field on mobile
#204 opened by daniel-sc - 6
Add paging for collections
#199 opened by nodesocket - 3
PHP 5.6.5 vs genghis v2.3.11
#200 opened by piengeng - 3
Waiting for blocks loading the page
#198 opened by sgon00 - 3
403 Forbidden or 404 Not Found on Nginx
#197 opened by yingyi-chow - 9
Genghis.php Single File Host
#196 opened by sagargulati - 10
Connecting to a replicaset w/ SSL?
#195 opened by taxilian - 8
genghisapp conflicts with mongoid
#193 opened by alauper - 2
- 2
- 2
passing MongoDB server details to genghis - ruby
#194 opened by czerasz - 1
Help Me about cbson Arpa/inet.h
#189 opened by danielxss - 5
error when updating document
#188 opened by Nours312 - 8
undefined offset: 1 on PHP
#183 opened by jpgorton - 0
- 10
I see no mongo servers
#180 opened - 6
Local installation issue...
#182 opened by rv-kip - 3
Mustache errors
#181 opened by mattmorten - 2
Feature request - allow non ObjectId search
#179 opened by cyberwombat - 2
Should " gem.add_development_dependency 'active_support' " be " gem.add_development_dependency 'activesupport' " ?
#178 opened by ayonliu - 1
Easiest way to add security layer to Genghis?
#175 opened by acoyfellow - 1
Installation instructions clarification
#177 opened by juwaun