
A simple BetterFindBuffer theme editor/designer

Primary LanguageHTML


v3 - By Mike Gieson www.gieson.com

Run it:

Click to launch utility

A simple BetterFindBuffer theme editor/designer. This utility will help you define the styles for Sublime Text BetterFindBuffer results view.


  • JSON needed to adjust the font family/size,
  • Theme for colorizing

After adjusting the setup, click the "MAKE" button to generate the code. You'll need to replace the resulting code into 2 files:

  1. The "Find Results.sublime-settings"
  2. A new (recommended) or existing theme file "MY_THEME.hidden-tmTheme"

Both of these files usually reside in your "Packages/User" folder, generally in following location:


C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\


/Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/

You'll need to do a little editing in the resulting code in order to point to the proper theme file. (so you'll have to do a little work).

In the "sublime-settings" JSON data, adjust the line that contains URI to the "MY_THEME" file.

Note that you'll have to restart Sublime after each update you make.

Release Notes

v3 - 2016/07/14

  • added padding settings