
zero dependency object viewer

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Zero dependency object viewer

Provides a means to display mulitple objects in a single view, with search and filter features.

Instantiate an object viewer (simple)

A simple instance:

// oview.make(<elem>); // set arg to the DIV id you want to put this into

var myViewer = window.oview.make("target1");

Instantiate an object viewer (with options)

 // oview.make({
 //    elem        // (required) the to put the viewer into. Can be DIV id (string), or use a physical DOM element.
 //    fontSize    // (optional) adjust text
 //    lineHeight  // (optional) adjust text
 //    font        // (optional) change font
 //    display     // (optional) choose theme, "dark" or "light"
 // });

var myViewer = window.oview.make({
    elem        : "target1"     // the DIV id to put the viewer into
    fontSize    : 10,           // adjust text
    lineHeight  : 10,           // adjust text
    font        : "Helvetica",  // change font
    display     : "dark"        // choose theme, "dark" or "light"

Add objects to your viewer

// myViewer.add(<object | json>[, label, cssClassName]);

    foo : "bar",
    car : {
        make : "jeep",
        color : "black"
        engine : {
            cylinders : 6,
            size : "4 liter"
}, "my entry");


<title>Object Viewer Example</title>

<!-- object viewer -->
<link href="oviwer.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="oviwer.min.js"></script>

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {

        var myViewer = window.oview.make("target1");
            bob : "er",
            sally : {
                prop1 : 1,
                prop2 : 2,
                prop3 : 3
        }, "my object label");


    <div id="target1">


Style per entry

NOTE: See HTML simplified structure below to help define your css rules.


.my-klass-A .oview-folder-title {
    /* will apply to an object title */
    color : #FF0000 !important;

.my-klass-B .oview-folder-title {
    /* will apply to an object title */
    color : #00FF00 !important;

.my-klass-C .oview-folder-title {
    /* will apply to an object title */
    color : #0000FF !important;

.my-klass-C .oview-name {
    /* will apply to the key part of the key:value pairs */
    color : #FF0000 !important;

.my-klass-C .oview-value {
    /* will apply to the value part of the key:value pairs */
    color : #00FF00 !important;

.my-klass-C.oview-data-block {
    /* will apply to the overall entry block
        notice the rule definition does not seperated lass names with a space */
    color : #00FFFF !important;
    padding-top : 0px !important;
.my-klass-C .oview-folder-header {
    /* will apply to the sub-objects */
    padding-top : 5px !important;

.my-klass-C.oview-data-block > .oview-folder > .oview-folder-header {
    /* will apply to just the top-most title in an entry */
    color : #14a5f9 !important;
    padding-top : 10px !important;
    background-color : #CCCCCC;


document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {

    var myViewer = window.oview.make("target1");
        bob : "er",
        sally : {
            prop1 : 1,
            prop2 : 2,
            prop3 : 3
    }, "object A", "my-klass-A");

        bob : "er",
        sally : {
            prop1 : 1,
            prop2 : 2,
            prop3 : 3
    }, "object B", "my-klass-B");

        bob : "er",
        sally : {
            prop1 : 1,
            prop2 : 2,
            prop3 : 3
    }, "object C", "my-klass-C");


Basic HTML Structure

This is provided to help construct your custom style rules

<div class="oview-data-block oview-page my-css-klass">
    <div class="oview-folder">

        <label class="oview-folder-header oview-folder-title">entry tite</label>
        <div class="oview-folder-content">

            <div class="oview-data-line">
                <span class="oview-name">bob</span>
                <pre class="oview-tab-char">	</pre> <!-- the space between key and value -->
                <span class="oview-value">er</span>

            <div class="oview-data-line">
                <span class="oview-name">prop1</span>
                <pre class="oview-tab-char">	</pre>
                <span class="oview-value oview-numeric">1</span> <!-- numeric values are detected -->

