
  • Customizable Keyboard shortcut
  • Customizable time format
  • Include non-time strings in format e.g. "hello" y-m-d
  • Pre-defined "common" formats available in settings.

quick overview


Keyboard shortcut (search writeTimestamp in CODE > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts):

  • PC: ctrl-shift-t
  • MAC: cmd-shift-t

Settings (search Write Timestamp in CODE > Preferences > Settings):

  • Format : type your custom format
  • GMT : false
  • List : [some pre-defined formats you can choose]

Common Formats:

NOTE: These are availble from VSCODE's settings. Search "writeTimestamp" in CODE > Preferences > Settings.

y-mm-dd @ HH:MM:SS      //  2021-08-07 @ 06:01:19
y-mm-dd                 //  2021-08-07
y-m-d                   //  2021-8-7
m/d/y @ HH:MM:SS        //  8/7/2021 @ 06:01:19
m/d/y                   //  8/7/2021
h:MM:SS AA              //  6:01:19 AM
HH:MM:SS                //  06:01:19
H:MM:SS                 //  6:01:19
W, J d, y @ h:MM:SS AA  //  Saturday, August 7, 2021 @ 6:01:19 AM
w, j d, y @ h:MM:SS AA  //  Sat, Aug 7, 2021 @ 6:01:19 AM
w, j. d, y @ h:MM:SS AA //  Sat, Aug. 7, 2021 @ 6:01:19 AM
J ddd, y @ h:MM:SS AA   //  August 7th, 2021 @ 6:01:19 AM
J d, y @ h:MM:SS AA     //  August 7, 2021 @ 6:01:19 AM
J d, y                  //  August 7, 2021
y-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZZ      //  2021-08-07T06:01:19-0400
ymmddHHMMSSL            //  20210807060119538
ymmddHHMMSS.L           //  20210807060119.538
'hello' y-m-d           //  hello 2021-8-7

Format options:

d       Day of the month
dd      Day of the month - padded
ddd     Day of the month - with ordinal suffix (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ...)
w       Week day - short name (Sun, Mon, Tues...)
W       Week day - full name (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...)
m       Month (1-12)
mm      Month - padded (01-12)
j       Month - short name (Jan, Feb, Mar...)
J       Month - full name (January, Feburary, March...)
y       Year - full (2021) 
yy      Year - short (21)
yyyy    Year - full  (2021) (same as y)
H       Hours (24-hour clock)
HH      Hours (24-hour clock) - padded
h       Hours (12-hour clock) 
hh      Hours (12-hour clock) - padded
M       Minutes (0-59)
MM      Minutes (01-59) - padded
S       Seconds (0-59)
SS      Seconds (01-59) - padded
L       Milliseconds - 3 digits prefixed with a dot (.XXX)
a       AM / PM - lowercase - single-character (a or p)
aa      AM / PM - lowercase - two-character (am or pm)
aaa     AM / PM - lowercase - two-character with dots (a.m. or p.m.)
A       AM / PM - uppercase, single-character (A or P)
AA      AM / PM - uppercase - two-character (AM or PM)
AAA     AM / PM - uppercase - two-character with dots (A.M. or P.M.)
z       US timezone abbreviation, e.g. EST or MDT. For non-US timezones GMT/UTC returned,  e.g. GMT-0500
Z       GMT/UTC timezone offset, e.g. -5 or +2.5
ZZ      GMT/UTC timezone offset, e.g. -0500 or +0230
'foo' or "foo"     Literal character sequence.
            ' "bob did this on" y-m-d '
            " 'bob did this on' y-m-d "
        Quotes are not printed. If you need to print quotes, escape with a \backslash
                    "bob\'s" y-m-d
                    bob said \"this\" on y-m-d 

Tip: Include characters not listed above in your format. Example: // y-m-d prefixes with comment "//" and adds "-" between flags

Tip: Include any additional words in your format, just surround with quotes (use single or double qutes). Example: "shmoo" y-m-d prefix the word "shmoo", which prevents the flags "s", "m" "h" and "o" from being evaluated, because "shmoo" was wrapped with quotes.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • writeTimestamp.aGMT: Use GMT (UTC) universal time. Will apply time-zone-offset to your local time to display all timestamps as GTM (UTC)
  • writeTimestamp.bCustomFormat: Enter your own format here. Refer to the main Write Timestamp extension description for flag definitions. NOTE: Clear this field to use one of the pre-defined options below.
  • writeTimestamp.cList: Pre-defined formats. IMPORTANT NOTE: B Custom Format overrides this selection. To use one of these pre-defined formats, remove anything manually entered into B Custom Format.