Neomake is a plugin that asynchronously runs programs using
Neovim's or Vim's job-control functionality. It is intended to
replace the built-in :make
command and provides functionality similar to
plugins like syntastic and dispatch.vim. It is primarily used to run code
linters and compilers from within Vim, but can be used to run any program.
The minimum Neovim version supported by Neomake is
NVIM 0.0.0-alpha+201503292107
(commit 960b9108c). The minimum Vim version
supported by Neomake is 7.4.503 (although if you don't use g:neomake_logfile
older versions will probably work fine as well).
Vim's async mode is used with Vim 8.0.0027 or later.
If your makeprg
should run on the file in the current buffer (like most
linters, e.g. you would normally type eslint myfile.js
), then you can use
Here's an example of how to run Neomake on the current file on every write:
autocmd! BufWritePost * Neomake
The make command will be run in an asynchronous job. The results will be
populated in the window's quickfix list for :Neomake!
and the location
list for :Neomake
as the job runs. Run :copen
or :lopen
to see the
whole list.
If you want to run a specific maker on the file you can specify the maker's
name, e.g. :Neomake jshint
. The maker must be defined for the filetype.
Taking a page from the book of syntastic, you can configure "makers" (called "checkers" in syntastic) for different filetypes. Here is an example configuration that is already included with this plugin:
let g:neomake_javascript_jshint_maker = {
\ 'args': ['--verbose'],
\ 'errorformat': '%A%f: line %l\, col %v\, %m \(%t%*\d\)',
\ }
let g:neomake_javascript_enabled_makers = ['jshint']
For use with the :Neomake
command (makers that run on an individual file), it
is critical that makers follow this naming convention:
g:neomake_{ filetype }_{ makername }_maker
Where { filetype }
is replaced with the name of the filetype, and
{ makername }
is replaced with the name that you want your maker to have. If
your maker does not follow this convention, Neomake will not be able to see
it, and you will get an error message like { makername } not found
Explanation for the strings making up the errorformat can be found by typing
:h errorformat
in Vim.
If the string '%:p'
shows up anywhere in the 'args'
list, it will be
ed to the full path of the current file in place. Otherwise, the full
path to the file will be add()
ed to the end of the list, unless the maker's
option is set to 0. You can customize the program that is
called by adding an 'exe'
property which should be a string (defaults to the
name of the maker).
Once you have created your makers, run :Neomake
as normal. Run
:Neomake <checker-name>
to run only a single checker. Configuring a
filetype to use makers will currently cause the makeprg
to be ignored (this
should be remedied).
Refer to the inline documentation :h neomake.txt
for more.
Also commonly referred to as "Project makers", though they technically run from the current working directory only since Vim does not know what a "project" is.
Directory makers (these do not require the current filename, e.g. make
grunt build
) should be set using Vim's makeprg
and errorformat
Then run the maker using:
In constrast to :Neomake
(without the exclamation mark), this will execute the
defined maker in Vim's current directory, and will not pass the filename to
the maker.
If you want to run a specific maker in the current working directory you can
specify the maker's name, e.g. :Neomake! makeclean
. The maker must be
defined as a directory maker, e.g., for the makeclean
let g:neomake_makeclean_maker = { 'exe': 'make', 'args': ['clean'] }
An example of a directory maker is the cargo for Rust, which you should run
as :Neomake! cargo
. This runs cargo
, which both installs dependencies (like
PHP's composer or Node.js's NVM) and compiles the project by calling rustc
Another example is mvn, which is the maker name for Apache Maven, a Java
project management tool. If you're working on a Java file that is part of a
Maven project, you can use the command :Neomake! mvn
to run the
mvn install
command using Neomake.
Refer to the inline documentation :h neomake.txt
for more.
For more detailed documentation, especially regarding configuration, please
refer to the plugin's help
(:h neomake.txt
For supplemental information on makers, check out the Makers page in the wiki
If you find this plugin useful, please contribute your maker recipes to the
repository! Check out autoload/neomake/makers/**/*.vim
to see how that is
currently done.
This is a community driven project, and maintainers are wanted. Please contact @blueyed if you are interested. You should have a good profile of issue triaging and PRs on this repo already.
We are using Vader for our tests, and they get run for every pull request in different environments (via Docker also).
make test
make tests/integration.vader
make testvim VADER_ARGS=tests/integration.vader
The docker_test
target provides running tests for a specific Vim version.
See Dockerfile.tests
for the Vim versions provided in the Docker image.
The image for this gets pulled from Docker Hub via neomake/vims-for-tests.
NOTE: the Docker image used for tests does not include (different versions) of Neovim at the moment.
make docker_test DOCKER_VIM=vim8069
make docker_test_all