
Udacity's Swift Nanodegree final project.

Primary LanguageSwift

Rick and Morty Catalog


  • "Rick and Morty Catalog" consists in a simple application with a list of the Rick And Morty TV show characters and detailed information about each one.
  • Upon selection of a character, the users are sent to a detailed view that contains a character avatar, its name, location of origin among other data provided by the API.
  • If users want to save a character card, a "Favorite" button is tapped and the character is saved on the "Favorites" tab.
  • The Favorites tab contains all the characters a user has saved as favorite, ordered by ID.
  • There is a segmented bar that filters favorite cards by the characters' status (alive, dead or unknown).
  • The settings tab contains a "Delete all" button that clears all Favorite characters, emptying the "Favorites" tab data, external links to this repository and the api documentation and a theme changing switch.


  • This app was designed to be the final project for Udacity's iOS Developer Nanodegree.
  • It was programmed in Swift 5 and uses a custom MVC architecture.

API and Persistence

  • The data used in the app comes from the Rick And Morty API and it is persisted through Realm.
  • CocoaPods needs to be installed in order to use Realm.
  • The documentation and guide for utilizing those tools can be found on their websites, linked above.

Known issues

  • LoadingView on characters list not centered. LoadingView is being created on viewDidLoad and is centering based on different frame sizes. Loading characters (and using loading view) on viewWillAppear centers the view properly.
  • Loading animation on pagination is not working.


  • Fix known bugs.
  • Add long gesture recognizers for characters list and favorites.
  • Add haptic feedback.
  • Implement "Rick" and "Morty" color themes.
  • Implement quote of the day and notifications for users to remind them to read their daily quotes.
  • Change all UI elements' fonts to the custom one chosen for the app.