
Defines some templates for Sourcery

Primary LanguageSwift


Place to hold stencil templates to be used in Sourcery.

Available Templates


Creates special initializer fixture to simplify testing when mocking objects.

// Input ⬅️
enum MyEnum {
    case firstCase
    case secondCase

struct MyModel: AutoFixture {
    let anInt: Int
    let anUInt: UInt
    let aFloat: Float
    let aDouble: Double
    let aBool: Bool
    let aString: String
    let aCharacter: Character
    let anArray: Array
    let anArray2: [Int]
    let aDictionary: Dictionary
    let aDictionary2: [String: String]
    let aSet: Set
    let aDate: Date
    let aData: Data
    let anURL: URL
    let aSomething: Something
    let anEnum: MyEnum

// Output ➡️

extension MyModel {
    static func fixture(
        anInt: Int = 0,
        anUInt: UInt = 0,
        aFloat: Float = 0,
        aDouble: Double = 0,
        aBool: Bool = false,
        aString: String = "aString",
        aCharacter: Character = "",
        anArray: Array = .fixture(),
        anArray2: [Int] = .init(),
        aDictionary: Dictionary = .fixture(),
        aDictionary2: [String: String] = .init(),
        aSet: Set = .fixture(),
        aDate: Date = .distantFuture,
        aData: Data = .init(),
        anURL: URL = .init(),
        aSomething: Something = .fixture(),
        anEnum: MyEnum = .firstCase
    ) -> Self {
        return .init(
            anInt: anInt,
            anUInt: anUInt,
            aFloat: aFloat,
            aDouble: aDouble,
            aBool: aBool,
            aString: aString,
            aCharacter: aCharacter,
            anArray: anArray,
            anArray2: anArray2,
            aDictionary: aDictionary,
            aDictionary2: aDictionary2,
            aSet: aSet,
            aDate: aDate,
            aData: aData,
            anURL: anURL,
            aSomething: aSomething,
            anEnum: anEnum


Creates a Failing based on a dependency protocol. NOTE: it assumes that all models returned have a fixture method previously defined.

Input ⬅️

enum MyEnum {
    case firstCase
    case secondCase

protocol SomeServiceProtocol {
    func getSomething(_ id: String) async throws -> Something
    func getEnum() async throws -> MyEnum
    func getDate() async throws -> Date
    func getData() async throws -> Data
    func getURL() async throws -> URL
    func getArray() async throws -> [String]
    func getDictionary() async throws -> [String: String]
    func postSomething() async throws

Output ➡️

import XCTestDynamicOverlay

// MARK: - SomeServiceProtocolFailing

public struct SomeServiceFailing: SomeServiceProtocol {
    public init() {}

    public func getSomething(_ id: String) async throws -> Something {
        XCTFail("\(#function) is not implemented.")
        return .fixture()

    public func getEnum() async throws -> MyEnum {
        XCTFail("\(#function) is not implemented.")
        return .firstCase

    public func getDate() async throws -> Date {
        XCTFail("\(#function) is not implemented.")
        return .init()

    public func getData() async throws -> Data {
        XCTFail("\(#function) is not implemented.")
        return .init()

    public func getURL() async throws -> URL {
        XCTFail("\(#function) is not implemented.")
        return .init()

    public func getArray() async throws -> [String] {
        XCTFail("\(#function) is not implemented.")
        return .init()

    public func getDictionary() async throws -> [String: String] {
        XCTFail("\(#function) is not implemented.")
        return .init()

    public func postSomething() async throws {
        XCTFail("\(#function) is not implemented.")


Generates Spys based on a dependency protocol, mostly applicable for datasources like services and repositories. NOTE: it assumes that all models returned have a fixture method previously defined. Based on Protocol Mock template from Łukasz Kuczborski

Input ⬅️

enum MyEnum {
    case firstCase
    case secondCase

protocol SomethingRepositoryInterface {
    init(input: String)
    func fetchSomething(_ id: String) async throws -> Something
    func getEnum() async throws -> MyEnum
    func getDate() async throws -> Date
    func getData() async throws -> Data
    func fetchURL() async throws -> URL
    func fetchArray() async throws -> [String]
    func fetchDictionary() async throws -> [String: String]
    func saveSomething(stringParam: String, intParam: Int, somethingParam: Something) async throws
    func saveSomethingNoThrow(_ data: Data) async

Output ➡️

// MARK: - SomethingRepositoryInterfaceSpy

internal final class SomethingRepositorySpy: SomethingRepositoryInterface {

    internal init() {}
   // MARK: - init

    internal var initInputReceivedInput: String?
    internal var initInputReceivedInvocations: [String] = []
    internal var initInputClosure: ((String) -> Void)?

    required init(input: String) {
        initInputReceivedInput = input
   // MARK: - fetchSomething

    internal var fetchSomethingCallsCount = 0
    internal var fetchSomethingCalled: Bool {
        fetchSomethingCallsCount > 0
    internal var fetchSomethingReceivedId: String?
    internal var fetchSomethingReceivedInvocations: [String] = []

    internal func fetchSomething(_ id: String) async throws -> Something {
        fetchSomethingCallsCount += 1
        fetchSomethingReceivedId = id
        return .fixture()
   // MARK: - getEnum

    internal var getEnumCallsCount = 0
    internal var getEnumCalled: Bool {
        getEnumCallsCount > 0

    internal func getEnum() async throws -> MyEnum {
        getEnumCallsCount += 1
        return .firstCase
   // MARK: - getDate

    internal var getDateCallsCount = 0
    internal var getDateCalled: Bool {
        getDateCallsCount > 0

    internal func getDate() async throws -> Date {
        getDateCallsCount += 1
        return .init()
   // MARK: - getData

    internal var getDataCallsCount = 0
    internal var getDataCalled: Bool {
        getDataCallsCount > 0

    internal func getData() async throws -> Data {
        getDataCallsCount += 1
        return .init()
   // MARK: - fetchURL

    internal var fetchURLCallsCount = 0
    internal var fetchURLCalled: Bool {
        fetchURLCallsCount > 0

    internal func fetchURL() async throws -> URL {
        fetchURLCallsCount += 1
        return .init(string:"www.test.com").unsafelyUnwrapped
   // MARK: - fetchArray

    internal var fetchArrayCallsCount = 0
    internal var fetchArrayCalled: Bool {
        fetchArrayCallsCount > 0

    internal func fetchArray() async throws -> [String] {
        fetchArrayCallsCount += 1
        return .init()
   // MARK: - fetchDictionary

    internal var fetchDictionaryCallsCount = 0
    internal var fetchDictionaryCalled: Bool {
        fetchDictionaryCallsCount > 0

    internal func fetchDictionary() async throws -> [String: String] {
        fetchDictionaryCallsCount += 1
        return .init()
   // MARK: - saveSomething

    internal var saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamCallsCount = 0
    internal var saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamCalled: Bool {
        saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamCallsCount > 0
    internal var saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamReceivedArguments: (stringParam: String, intParam: Int, somethingParam: Something)?
    internal var saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamReceivedInvocations: [(stringParam: String, intParam: Int, somethingParam: Something)] = []

    internal func saveSomething(stringParam: String, intParam: Int, somethingParam: Something) async throws {
        saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamCallsCount += 1
        saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamReceivedArguments = (stringParam: stringParam, intParam: intParam, somethingParam: somethingParam)
        saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamReceivedInvocations.append((stringParam: stringParam, intParam: intParam, somethingParam: somethingParam))
   // MARK: - saveSomethingNoThrow

    internal var saveSomethingNoThrowCallsCount = 0
    internal var saveSomethingNoThrowCalled: Bool {
        saveSomethingNoThrowCallsCount > 0
    internal var saveSomethingNoThrowReceivedData: Data?
    internal var saveSomethingNoThrowReceivedInvocations: [Data] = []

    internal func saveSomethingNoThrow(_ data: Data) async {
        saveSomethingNoThrowCallsCount += 1
        saveSomethingNoThrowReceivedData = data


Generates Test Doubles that serve as Spy and Stub based on a dependency protocol, mostly applicable for datasources like services and repositories. NOTE: it assumes that all models returned have a fixture method previously defined. *Based on Protocol Mock template from `Łukasz Kuczborski``

Input ⬅️

enum SomeEnum {
    case firstCase
    case secondCase

protocol SomethingRepositoryInterface {
    init(input: String)
    func fetchSomethingWithID(_ id: String) async throws -> Something
    func fetchArrayOfSomething() async throws -> [Something]
    func fetchArrayOfSomeEnum() async throws -> [SomeEnum]
    func postSomething(stringParam: String, intParam: Int, somethingParam: Something) async throws

Output ➡️

// MARK: - SomethingRepositoryInterfaceSpyingStub

internal final class SomethingRepositorySpyingStub: SomethingRepositoryInterface {

    internal init() {}
   // MARK: - init

    internal var initInputReceivedInput: String?
    internal var initInputReceivedInvocations: [String] = []
    internal var initInputClosure: ((String) -> Void)?

    required init(input: String) {
        initInputReceivedInput = input
   // MARK: - fetchSomething

    internal var fetchSomethingResultToBeReturned: Result<Something, Error> = .success(.fixture())
    internal var fetchSomethingCallsCount = 0
    internal var fetchSomethingCalled: Bool {
        fetchSomethingCallsCount > 0
    internal var fetchSomethingReceivedId: String?
    internal var fetchSomethingReceivedInvocations: [String] = []

    internal func fetchSomething(_ id: String) async throws -> Something {
        fetchSomethingCallsCount += 1
        fetchSomethingReceivedId = id
        return try fetchSomethingResultToBeReturned.get()
   // MARK: - getEnum

    internal var getEnumResultToBeReturned: Result<MyEnum, Error> = .success(.firstCase)
    internal var getEnumCallsCount = 0
    internal var getEnumCalled: Bool {
        getEnumCallsCount > 0

    internal func getEnum() async throws -> MyEnum {
        getEnumCallsCount += 1
        return try getEnumResultToBeReturned.get()
   // MARK: - getDate

    internal var getDateResultToBeReturned: Result<Date, Error> = .success(.init())
    internal var getDateCallsCount = 0
    internal var getDateCalled: Bool {
        getDateCallsCount > 0

    internal func getDate() async throws -> Date {
        getDateCallsCount += 1
        return try getDateResultToBeReturned.get()
   // MARK: - getData

    internal var getDataResultToBeReturned: Result<Data, Error> = .success(.init())
    internal var getDataCallsCount = 0
    internal var getDataCalled: Bool {
        getDataCallsCount > 0

    internal func getData() async throws -> Data {
        getDataCallsCount += 1
        return try getDataResultToBeReturned.get()
   // MARK: - fetchURL

    internal var fetchURLResultToBeReturned: Result<URL, Error> = .success(.init(string:"www.test.com").unsafelyUnwrapped)
    internal var fetchURLCallsCount = 0
    internal var fetchURLCalled: Bool {
        fetchURLCallsCount > 0

    internal func fetchURL() async throws -> URL {
        fetchURLCallsCount += 1
        return try fetchURLResultToBeReturned.get()
   // MARK: - fetchArray

    internal var fetchArrayResultToBeReturned: Result<[String], Error> = .success(.init())
    internal var fetchArrayCallsCount = 0
    internal var fetchArrayCalled: Bool {
        fetchArrayCallsCount > 0

    internal func fetchArray() async throws -> [String] {
        fetchArrayCallsCount += 1
        return try fetchArrayResultToBeReturned.get()
   // MARK: - fetchDictionary

    internal var fetchDictionaryResultToBeReturned: Result<[String: String], Error> = .success(.init())
    internal var fetchDictionaryCallsCount = 0
    internal var fetchDictionaryCalled: Bool {
        fetchDictionaryCallsCount > 0

    internal func fetchDictionary() async throws -> [String: String] {
        fetchDictionaryCallsCount += 1
        return try fetchDictionaryResultToBeReturned.get()
   // MARK: - saveSomething

    internal var saveSomethingResultToBeReturned: Result<Void, Error> = .success(())
    internal var saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamCallsCount = 0
    internal var saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamCalled: Bool {
        saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamCallsCount > 0
    internal var saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamReceivedArguments: (stringParam: String, intParam: Int, somethingParam: Something)?
    internal var saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamReceivedInvocations: [(stringParam: String, intParam: Int, somethingParam: Something)] = []

    internal func saveSomething(stringParam: String, intParam: Int, somethingParam: Something) async throws {
        saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamCallsCount += 1
        saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamReceivedArguments = (stringParam: stringParam, intParam: intParam, somethingParam: somethingParam)
        saveSomethingStringParamIntParamSomethingParamReceivedInvocations.append((stringParam: stringParam, intParam: intParam, somethingParam: somethingParam))
        return try saveSomethingResultToBeReturned.get()
   // MARK: - saveSomethingNoThrow

    internal var saveSomethingNoThrowResultToBeReturned: Result<Void, Error> = .success(())
    internal var saveSomethingNoThrowCallsCount = 0
    internal var saveSomethingNoThrowCalled: Bool {
        saveSomethingNoThrowCallsCount > 0
    internal var saveSomethingNoThrowReceivedData: Data?
    internal var saveSomethingNoThrowReceivedInvocations: [Data] = []

    internal func saveSomethingNoThrow(_ data: Data) async {
        saveSomethingNoThrowCallsCount += 1
        saveSomethingNoThrowReceivedData = data


Creates a Stub based on a dependency protocol, mostly applicable for datasources like services and repositories. NOTE: it assumes that all models returned have a fixture method previously defined.

Input ⬅️

enum MyEnum {
    case firstCase
    case secondCase

protocol SomethingRepositoryInterface {
    init(input: String)
    init(something: String) throws
    func fetchSomething(_ id: String) async throws -> Something
    func getEnum() async throws -> MyEnum
    func getDate() async throws -> Date
    func getData() async throws -> Data
    func fetchURL() async throws -> URL
    func fetchArray() async throws -> [String]
    func fetchDictionary() async throws -> [String: String]
    func saveSomething(stringParam: String, intParam: Int, somethingParam: Something) async throws
    func saveSomethingNoThrow(_ data: Data) async

Output ➡️

// MARK: - SomethingRepositoryInterfaceStub

internal final class SomethingRepositoryStub: SomethingRepositoryInterface {
    internal init() {}

    // MARK: - init

    internal var initResultToBeReturned: Result<Void, Error> = .success(())
    internal func init(something: String) {
        try initResultToBeReturned.get()

    // MARK: - fetchSomething

    internal var fetchSomethingResultToBeReturned: Result<Something, Error> = .success(.fixture())
    internal func fetchSomething(_ id: String) async throws -> Something {
        try fetchSomethingResultToBeReturned.get()

    // MARK: - getEnum

    internal var getEnumResultToBeReturned: Result<MyEnum, Error> = .success(.firstCase)
    internal func getEnum() async throws -> MyEnum {
        try getEnumResultToBeReturned.get()

    // MARK: - getDate

    internal var getDateResultToBeReturned: Result<Date, Error> = .success(.init())
    internal func getDate() async throws -> Date {
        try getDateResultToBeReturned.get()

    // MARK: - getData

    internal var getDataResultToBeReturned: Result<Data, Error> = .success(.init())
    internal func getData() async throws -> Data {
        try getDataResultToBeReturned.get()

    // MARK: - fetchURL

    internal var fetchURLResultToBeReturned: Result<URL, Error> = .success(.init(string:"www.test.com").unsafelyUnwrapped)
    internal func fetchURL() async throws -> URL {
        try fetchURLResultToBeReturned.get()

    // MARK: - fetchArray

    internal var fetchArrayResultToBeReturned: Result<[String], Error> = .success(.init())
    internal func fetchArray() async throws -> [String] {
        try fetchArrayResultToBeReturned.get()

    // MARK: - fetchDictionary

    internal var fetchDictionaryResultToBeReturned: Result<[String: String], Error> = .success(.init())
    internal func fetchDictionary() async throws -> [String: String] {
        try fetchDictionaryResultToBeReturned.get()

    // MARK: - saveSomething

    internal var saveSomethingResultToBeReturned: Result<Void, Error> = .success(())
    internal func saveSomething(stringParam: String, intParam: Int, somethingParam: Something) async throws {
        try saveSomethingResultToBeReturned.get()

    // MARK: - saveSomethingNoThrow

    internal func saveSomethingNoThrow(_ data: Data) async {}


Creates the initializer for class that have a DTO in order to map from DTO to Domain entity.

// Input ⬅️
struct MyObjectDTO: Decodable {
    let id: String
    let position: Int
    let status: RoundStatusDTO
    let groups: [RoundGroupDTO]

struct MyObject: Equatable, Identifiable, AutoMappableFromDTO {
    let id: String
    let position: Int
    let status: RoundStatus
    let groups: [RoundGroup]

// Output ➡️
extension MyObject {
    init(dto: MyObjectDTO) {
        self.id = dto.id
        self.position = dto.position
        self.status = .init(dto: dto.status)
        self.groups = .init(dto: dto.groups)

TCAFeature - Reducer Protocol

Creates a TCA Scaffold from a specification struct, based on the Reducer protocol versions of the library. NOTE: Based on @tgrapperon’s work from the Composable Feature template.

Definitions and Options

  1. The selected struct is only used as a specification for the TCAFeature and should be deleted after generation
  2. All specification structs should contain // sourcery: describesTCAFeature annotation
  3. In case the specification contains other TCAFeatures as properties (i.e. Composition), // it should containt // sourcery: containsComposition` annotation

Example 1: Simple Feature (No Composition)

// Input ⬅️
// sourcery: describesTCAFeature
struct SimpleFeature: Equatable {
    var name: String = ""
    var description: String? = nil
    var numberOfItems: Int = 0

// Output ➡️
import ComposableArchitecture
import Dependencies
import SwiftUI

// MARK: - State

extension SimpleFeature {
    internal struct State: Equatable {
        internal var name: String
        internal var description: String?
        internal var numberOfItems: Int

        internal init(
            name: String = "", 
            description: String? = nil, 
            numberOfItems: Int = 0
        ) {
            self.name = name
            self.description = description
            self.numberOfItems = numberOfItems

// MARK: - Actions

extension SimpleFeature {
    internal enum Action: Equatable {
        case placeholder

// MARK: - Reducer

internal struct SimpleFeature: Reducer {
    // MARK: - Dependencies

    @Dependency(\.fireAndForget) var fireAndForget

    // MARK: - Reducer

    internal func reduce(
        into state: inout State,
        action: Action
    ) -> ComposableArchitecture.Effect<Action> {
        switch action {
        case .placeholder:
            return .none

// MARK: - Scene

extension SimpleFeature {
    internal struct Scene: View {
        let store: StoreOf<SimpleFeature>

        internal init(store: StoreOf<SimpleFeature>) {
            self.store = store

        internal var body: some View {
            ZStack {
            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)

// MARK: Preview
struct SimpleFeatureScene_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
            store: .init(
                initialState: SimpleFeature.State(),
                reducer: { EmptyReducer() }

Example 2: Feature with Composition

struct Child1: Reducer {
    struct State: Equatable {}
    enum Action: Equatable {}
    func reduce(into state: inout State, action: Action) -> Effect<Action> { .none }

struct Child2: Reducer {
    struct State: Equatable {}
    enum Action: Equatable {}
    func reduce(into state: inout State, action: Action) -> Effect<Action> { .none }

// sourcery: describesTCAFeature
// sourcery: containsComposition
struct ComposedFeature: Equatable {
    var name: String = ""
    var description: String? = nil
    var numberOfItems: Int = 0
    var child: Child1.State = .init()
    var optionalChild: Child2.State? = nil

// Output ➡️
import ComposableArchitecture
import Dependencies
import SwiftUI

// MARK: - State

extension ComposedFeature {
    internal struct State: Equatable {
        internal var name: String
        internal var description: String?
        internal var numberOfItems: Int
        internal var child: Child1.State
        internal var optionalChild: Child2.State?

        internal init(
            name: String = "", 
            description: String? = nil, 
            numberOfItems: Int = 0, 
            child: Child1.State = .init(), 
            optionalChild: Child2.State? = nil
        ) {
            self.name = name
            self.description = description
            self.numberOfItems = numberOfItems
            self.child = child
            self.optionalChild = optionalChild

// MARK: - Actions

extension ComposedFeature {
    internal enum Action: Equatable {
        case placeholder
        case child(Child1.Action)
        case optionalChild(Child2.Action)

// MARK: - Reducer

internal struct ComposedFeature: Reducer {
    // MARK: - Dependencies

    @Dependency(\.fireAndForget) var fireAndForget

    // MARK: - Composition

    var body: some ReducerOf<ComposedFeature> {
                 action: /Action.optionalChild,
                 then: { Child2() }
                state: \.child,
                action: /Action.child,
                child: Child1.State() }

    // MARK: - Core Reducer

    internal func reduceCore(
        into state: inout State,
        action: Action
    ) -> ComposableArchitecture.Effect<Action> {
        switch action {
        case .placeholder:
            return .none
        case let .child(childAction):
            return reduceChild1.State(
                into: &state,
                action: childAction
        case let .optionalChild(optionalChildAction):
            return reduceChild2.State?(
                into: &state,
                action: optionalChildAction

    // MARK: - Child Reducer

    internal func reduceChild1(
        into state: inout State,
        action: Child1Action
    ) -> ComposableArchitecture.Effect<Action> {
        switch action {
        default: return .none // TODO: remove default` case

    // MARK: - OptionalChild Reducer

    internal func reduceChild2(
        into state: inout State,
        action: Child2Action
    ) -> ComposableArchitecture.Effect<Action> {
        switch action {
        default: return .none // TODO: remove default` case


// MARK: - Scene

extension ComposedFeature {
    internal struct Scene: View {
        let store: StoreOf<ComposedFeature>

        internal init(store: StoreOf<ComposedFeature>) {
            self.store = store

        internal var body: some View {
            ZStack {
            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)

// MARK: Preview
struct ComposedFeatureScene_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
            store: .init(
                initialState: ComposedFeature.State(),
                reducer: { EmptyReducer() }

SwiftDependencies Auto-Registration

Generates code that automates the registration of dependencies using the swift-dependencies library. It identifies protocols and structs marked with the swiftDepAutoregister annotation, automatically registering them for dependency injection.

Definitions and Options

All specification structs or protocols that you intend on registering should contain // sourcery: swiftDepAutoregister annotation

Input ⬅️

// sourcery: swiftDepAutoregister
protocol SomeDependencyProtocol {
    func doSomething() async throws -> String 

// sourcery: swiftDepAutoregister
struct SomeDependencyStruct {
    let doSomething: () async throws -> String 

struct DoNotRegister {
    func doSomething() async throws -> String 

Output ➡️

// MARK: - Dependency Injection 

import Dependencies 
import XCTestDynamicOverlay

internal enum SomeDependencyDependencyKey: TestDependencyKey {
    static var testValue: SomeDependencyProtocol {
        #if DEBUG
        return SomeDependencyFailing()
        fatalError("`testValue` should not be acessed on non DEBUG builds.")

internal extension DependencyValues {
    var someDependency: SomeDependencyProtocol {
        get { self[SomeDependencyDependencyKey.self] }
        set { self[SomeDependencyDependencyKey.self] = newValue }

// MARK: - Dependency Injection 

import Dependencies 

extension SomeDependencyStruct: TestDependencyKey {
    internal static var testValue: SomeDependencyStruct {
        return .init(
            doSomething: unimplemented()

internal extension DependencyValues {
    var : SomeDependencyStruct {
        get { self[SomeDependencyStruct.self] }
        set { self[SomeDependencyStruct.self] = newValue }