
The TCAFeatureAction defines a pattern for actions on TCA based on Its idea is to set a well defined specification for actions on TCA views, where ideally View and Internal actions should not go out of the feature scope.


enum ExampleAction: TCAFeatureAction {
    enum ViewAction: Equatable {
        case onTapLoginButton
    enum DelegateAction: Equatable {
        case notifyLoginSuccess

    enum InternalAction: Equatable {
        case loginResult(Result<String, NSError>)
    case view(ViewAction)
    case delegate(DelegateAction)
    case _internal(InternalAction)


Child flow on parent, with boundaries

When you have a Child flow inside a Parent store and need to scope it is often expressed as an InternalAction of the Parent store.

enum ParentAction: TCAFeatureAction {
    enum InternalAction: Equatable {
    // ...
        case child(ChildAction)
    // ...
    case view(ViewAction)
    case _internal(InternalAction)
    case delegate(DelegateAction)

This will be expressed like below:

// On the reducer 
Scope(state: \.child, action: /Action.InternalAction.child) {
// On the view
struct ParentView: View {
    let store: StoreOf<ParentReducer>
    var body: some View {
        // ...
                state: \.childState,
                action: /ParentAction.InternalAction.child
         // ...

Bounding Reducers

Bounding reducers is a protocol to define a standard when implementing reducers with Boundaries. We can have them on composed (reducers with body) or non-composed reducers.

The main idea relies on setting a standard for separating the actions based on its type on specific functions:

// To handle actions coming from the view
func reduce(into state: inout State, viewAction action: Action.ViewAction) -> Effect<Action>

// To handle actions that happen inside the reducer
func reduce(into state: inout State, internalAction action: Action.InternalAction) -> Effect<Action>

// To handle actions that where delegated to this reducer
func reduce(into state: inout State, delegateAction action: Action.DelegateAction) -> Effect<Action>

Example for non-composed reducers:

struct SomeFeature: BoundingReducer {
      func reduce(into state: inout State, viewAction action: Action.ViewAction) -> Effect<Action> {
        switch action {

    func reduce(into state: inout State, internalAction action: Action.InternalAction) -> Effect<Action> {
        switch action {


Example for composed reducers:

struct SomeFeature: ComposedBoundingReducer {
      var body: some Reducer<State, Action> {
            .ifLet(\.child, action: /Action.InternalAction.child) {

      func reduce(into state: inout State, viewAction action: Action.ViewAction) -> Effect<Action> {
        switch action {


You can add TCABoundaries to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.

  1. From the File menu, select Add Packages...
  2. Enter "" into the package repository URL text field