Code for the Computational Social Science project
- install the requirements
- download the dataset from, extract
to the root of this repo and rename it topolitical_tweets.csv
- run the notebook
- download the preferred model from and place them in the root folder of this repo, or use the notebook to fit the models and create them locally
- start the script with
python -mode [1, 2] -model_type [mnb, sgd]
- both the arguments are optional, by default they are 1 for 'mode' and 'mnb' for 'model_type'
- follow the instructions and receive a prediction for the tweet's political orientation
- for the 'mode' argument, type 1 if you want to paste in the script the text of a tweet (default) or type 2 to input the link to a tweet
- for the 'model_type' argument, type 'mnb' to use the Multinomial Naive Bayes model (default) or type 'sgd' to use the SGD-trained model