
P4Runtime Client for Go

Primary LanguageGo

P4Runtime Go Client

Client library and flow write performance tester

Setup (one time)

Install Go (>= 1.13.3) https://golang.org/doc/install

Install Protoc (>= 3.2.0) You only need the C++ version https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/

export GOPATH=~/go (if you changed it)

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bocon13/p4rt-go/master/setup.sh)

Building for BMv2

Build the test binary

cd $HOME/go/src/github.com/bocon13/p4rt-go/
go build -tags bmv2 -o p4rt_test_bmv2 bin/main.go

Run Stratum BMv2:

docker run --privileged --rm -it -p 50001:50001 opennetworking/mn-stratum

Then, you can run the test:

./p4rt_test_bmv2 \
 -target localhost:50001 \
 -p4info test/bmv2/p4info.txt \
 -deviceConfig test/bmv2/bmv2.json \
 -count 10000 \

Building for Tofino

Build the test binary

GOOS=linux go build -tags tofino -o p4rt_test_tofino bin/main.go

Start Stratum on your Tofino switch

Then, you can run the test:

./p4rt_test_tofino \
 -target localhost:28000 \
 -p4info test/montara/p4info.txt \
 -deviceConfig test/montara/tofino.bin,test/montara/context.json \
 -count 1000 \


  • If you use the test files, they were compiled against SDE 9.0.0
  • Remember to update the target string to match the IP of your switch (or run the test on the box)
  • Update GOOS to match the operating system of where you will run the test binary
  • You can use any P4 program/compiler version that you want, just be sure to update the paths