
grunt-init template for creating Chrome Apps

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Scaffold a Google Chrome packaged app with grunt-init


  • Install grunt-cli and grunt-init latest versions. If grunt is already globally unstalled, uninstall it (npm uninstall -g grunt). You only should have grunt-cli, which uses the version of grunt specified in a project's package.json.
  • npm install -g grunt-init@0.2.0rc7
  • npm install -g grunt-cli

Once grunt-init is installed, place this template in your ~/.grunt-init/ directory. It's recommended that you use git to clone this template into that directory, as follows:

git clone git@github.com:bocoup/grunt-init-chromeapp.git ~/.grunt-init/chromeapp

(Windows users, see the documentation for the correct destination directory path)


At the command-line, cd into an empty directory, run this command and follow the prompts.

grunt-init chromeapp

Once the project has been scaffolded, you need to install the dependencies

npm install


Default task: grunt

The default grunt task lints project JavaScript with JSHint.

Watching changes: grunt watch

Automatically run specified tasks when files change