
These are the open source version of the notes for the book I'm working on "Embodied Computational Calculus".


This the public version of the notes for the book I'm working on "Embodied Computational Calculus".

The main parts of the book:

  • Computational Boundaries of the Universe ("Computational Cosmology")
  • The Observer-Particle Model of Times. (n.b. plural)
  • Architecture of Perception.
  • Emergence of Cognition, Language and Formalism
  • Universality of Intelligence. as an attribute of life.
  • Novel Conceptual and Mathematics Tools for Making First Contact and for the establishing and maintenance of lines of communication.

The purpose of this book is to define, pursue and analyze intelligence as a universal trait of life, not one particular only to humans. Some of the questions we will be seeking approaches and solutions on include:

  • How can we design a new language that both humans and machine can use without hindrance, discrimination or barriers?
  • How can AAAI* help close the many skill-gaps that plague our society?
  • How can AAAI* help us seek global optimae** in regards to our health and hygiene, without discrimination, without the limitations and the walls imposed by culture and religion?
  • How can design the interface between human and machine to provide augmentation of capability later than hindrance thereof?

The term AAAI*, which will be frequently references, stands for "Automatic, Augmented and Autonomous Intelligence".

I have a different vision about the business model behind publishing a book. First, I believe that human knowledge belongs to the world. For free. Period. Moreover, in this era of light-speed communications, there is no moral reason for making profit out of withholding knowledge gratuitously, not for ten years, not for one year, not for one second, so the "for free" part should be from the start. Secondly, I believe editing and publishing a book is an inimaginable pain, countless hours of formating and writing equations in LaTeX. Granted, I have absolutely no formal training in writing a book.

To reconcile these aparently opposing viewpoints, I have reached the following, maybe counter-intentuitive plan:

  • My notes will be stored here, for safehaven on the GitHub ship, and to be publicly consulted, to irk, annoy, inspire questions or doubt, or serve as wonder, for either the scientific or psychiatric community.
  • In parallel, I will continue my commercial effort on making a more human-readable, digestable version of Embodied Computational Calculus, which I aim to be publishing by the end of 2020 or beginning of 2021.
  • In the meanwhile, any critique or feedback are appreciated and encouraged.
  • Pull requests are welcome.

The use of any material presented here for commercial purposes is only permitted upon securing my written permission.

Should you be interested in diving deeper into these subjects, please contact me bogdan {at} deepviss.org