
this is only for working with animation in react native

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a React Native application.
I implemented this application only to get familiar with Animation in React Native.

This project implemented according to below tutorials:

react & react-native versions:

react: 16.8.6,
react-native: 0.60.4,

Tested on : iOS & Android

application without animation

This application shows list of cars and their rated specifications.
(all cars information are filled randomly and are not real)

without animation gif

scale animation

Each card in list become animated.
When press in a card, it scale 1.2 time bigger than normal and when press out it become to normal scale .

scale animation gif

rotate animation

The action icons of each card in list become animated.
When an action icon press in, rotated 360 degree clockwise and when press out rotated 360 degree counterclockwise.

rotate animation gif

spring animation

The appearance of information page for each car is animated.
When search icon in action icons press, the information page transmit from down of the page to its position with spring effect and when closing information page, it transmit to down until disappear from screen.

spring animation

width animation

The width of car rated specifications in information page are animated.
When information page appeared, width of each specifications are animated from zero to their amount.

width animation

sequence animation

This part implemented in information page of each car and has three animation that are sequenced:

  • fade in the image of car
  • transmission of car name and price from top of page to their position
  • increase scale of car name and price to their original scale

the initial status of this animation)

  • image of car is hidden (zero opacity)
  • car name and price are shrink and transmit to upper of screen

sequence animation

header scroll animation

A header banner added to top of scroll View and animated when scrolling down.
When scrolling down, the height of header shrink and the image of header fade out and vanished. the title of header shrink too, but persist in header bar.

header scroll animation