
👨🏻‍💻 Self-taught developer with a passion for design.
📱 Building apps for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS with SwiftUI.
🐍 Learning to teach machines with Python.

Featured Apps

🧠 Aware

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Aware is an iOS app prototype for practicing and tracking daily mindfulness. It integrates HealthKit to read and write mindful minutes to the Apple Health app, and leverages Swift Algorithms to enable a heatmap style habit tracker. DocC is used to provide quick help across the code base.

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🎫 Stubs

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Stubs is a multi-platform app that allows users to create and store a collection of concert tickets. Users may interact with visited venues on a map, and access detailed Artist profiles featuring data from TheAudioDB. Currently supports iOS and iPadOS 17.0+.

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📱 AskAI

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AskAI is a SwiftUI app that provides an approachable, native experience for generating text with ChatGPT and images with DALL·E.

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🌤️ Weathered

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Weathered uses SwiftUI and data from WeatherAPI.com to present users with current weather conditions for a given city.

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🐦 TwitterClone

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TwitterClone uses SwiftUI to recreate the app formerly known as Twitter. The app uses Firebase for registration, authentication, and databasing.

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🌼 PetalMenu

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PetalMenu expands and collapses to provide users a unique way to make a selection. Petals Showcase 001

🏠 MaterialTabBar

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MaterialTabBar provides a floating, ultraThinMaterial tab bar that works well in light mode or dark, while taking functional queues from Swift's built-in TabView.

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