
use node.js to send an email with Literature-Clock every hour

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



A script written by node.js to send email with Literature-Clock, based on work and idea by Jaap Meijers. Also Thanks for the picture source coming from another developer's open-source-code.

how to use it

  • first you have to deploy the environment of node.js
  • then you should git clone or download the repository
  • after that you can use command 'npm install' to install the modules that requested
  • next you must open 'main.js' to modify some parameter
  • at last you can use 'node main.js' to run the script

parameter settings

  • if you are interested in the quick and dirty script, you can change the following settings to have a try
  • if you do not have a email account with SMTP service, you have to apply for it first
let EmianService = "163";  //here you should input the factory that provides the email service, such as '163'

let EamilAuth = {
  user: "your email address",
  pass: "your SMTP password"

let EmailFrom = '"you should input your nickname here" <you should input your email address here>';

let EmailTo = "email address of recipient";

let EmailSubject = "the email theme";



  • 如何使用

    • 第一步:在本地配置node环境
    • 第二步:将代码git clone或直接下载到本地
    • 第三步:使用"npm install"命令安装依赖
    • 第四步:修改main.js配置部分
    • 第五步:使用"node main.js"运行脚本
  • 配置修改

    • 如果你对此脚本有兴趣,欢迎修改了配置部分后将其运行于你的pc或者云服务器
    • 如果你的邮箱尚未开通SMTP,请先开通再填写相应配置(关于如何开通,请自行百度/Google)
let EmianService = "163";  //此处填写邮箱厂商,如163

let EamilAuth = {
  user: "你的邮箱",
  pass: "SMTP密码"

let EmailFrom = '"发件人昵称" <你的邮箱地址>';

let EmailTo = "接收人邮箱地址";

let EmailSubject = "邮件主题";

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