Kamux is a simple library to interact with a Kafka cluster.
It can:
- Connect with a kafka cluster (Only SASL/TLS with user/password)
- Listen to one or multiple topics on a specific consumer group
- Execute the function of your choice (handler)
- Mark offset or not after handling
- Listen to SIGINT and stop processing messages gracefully
- Override sarama cluster consumer configuration before Launch()
A simple example :
func main() {
config := &kamux.Config{
Brokers: []string{"kafka.broker1.net:9093", "kafka.broker2.net:9093"},
User: "myKafkaUser",
Password: "myPassword",
Topics: []string{"myTopic"},
ConsumerGroup: "myConsumerGroup",
Handler: Handler,
MarkOffsets: true,
kamux, err := kamux.NewKamux(config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Fail to init kamux: %s", err)
func Handler(sm *sarama.ConsumerMessage) ( err error ) {
log.Printf("Received a message on topic : %s (partition: %d | offset: %d)", sm.Topic, sm.Partition, sm.Offset)