
Helm repository for Istio Helm charts

Primary LanguageSmartyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Istio Helm Charts

License Artifact HUB

The code is provided as-is with no warranties.


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add istio https://boeboe.github.io/istio-helm-charts

You can then run helm search repo istio to see the charts.

helm search repo istio

NAME                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                                       
istio/istio-cni         1.1.0                           Helm chart for istio-cni components               
istio/istio-discovery   1.2.0                           Helm chart for istio control plane                
istio/istio-egress      1.1.0                           Helm chart for deploying Istio gateways           
istio/istio-ingress     1.1.0                           Helm chart for deploying Istio gateways           
istio/istio-operator    1.7.0                           Helm chart for deploying Istio operator           
istio/istiod-remote     1.2.0                           Helm chart for a remote cluster using an extern...
istio/base              1.1.0                           Helm chart for deploying Istio cluster resource...
istio/elastic-stack     1.0.0                           A Helm chart for Istio Monitoring with Elastic ...
istio/grafana-stack     1.0.0                           A Helm chart for Istio Monitoring with Promethe...
istio/kiali-stack       1.0.0                           A Helm chart for Istio Monitoring with Kiali, G...


This is a list of available charts.

Istio Core Charts

Chart Release Docs Values Description
base 1.1.0 doc yaml Helm chart for deploying Istio cluster resources and CRDs
istio-cni 1.1.0 doc yaml Helm chart for istio-cni components
istio-discovery 1.2.0 doc yaml Helm chart for istio control plane
istio-egress 1.1.0 doc yaml Helm chart for deploying Istio egress gateways
istio-ingress 1.1.0 doc yaml Helm chart for deploying Istio ingress gateways
istio-operator 1.7.0 doc yaml Helm chart for deploying Istio operator
istiod-remote 1.2.0 doc yaml Helm chart for a remote cluster using an external istio control plane

Istio Monitoring Stack Charts

Chart Release Docs Values Description
elastic-stack 1.0.0 doc yaml Istio Monitoring with Elastic Search, Kibana, APM Server and Filebeat
grafana-stack 1.0.0 doc yaml Istio Monitoring with Kiali, Grafana, Prometheus and Jaeger
kiali-stack 1.0.0 doc yaml Istio Monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, Tempo, Loki and FluentBit


Apache 2.0 License.