
WASM Repo containing a backend/cli/gui to store and LCM WASM plugins for Envoy/Istio

Primary LanguageGo


Project Structure:

The overal project structure looks like this

$ tree

|-- /api
|   |-- /handlers
|   |-- /models
|   |-- /middleware
|   |-- main.go
|-- /web
|   |-- /src
|   |   |-- /components
|   |   |-- /views
|   |   |-- /assets
|   |   |-- /store
|   |   |-- App.vue
|   |   |-- main.js
|   |-- package.json
|-- /wasmctl
|   |-- /commands
|   |-- main.go
|-- /shared
|   |-- /utils
|-- README.md
|-- .gitignore


  • /api: This directory will contain the Go code for your REST API server.
    • /handlers: Contains the request handlers for your CRUD operations.
    • /models: Contains data structures and database models.
    • /middleware: Contains any middleware, such as authentication or logging.
    • main.go: The entry point for your API server.
  • /web: This directory will contain your Vue.js web application.
    • /src: Contains the source code for your Vue.js application.
      • /components: Vue components that can be reused across different views.
      • /views: Vue components that represent entire views or pages.
      • /assets: Static assets like images or fonts.
      • /store: Contains Vuex store files.
      • App.vue: The main Vue component.
      • main.js: The entry point for your Vue.js application.
    • package.json: Lists the dependencies for your Vue.js application.
  • /wasmctl: This directory will contain the Go code for your command-line tool.
    • /commands: Contains different commands for your CLI.
    • main.go: The entry point for your command-line tool.
  • /shared: Contains any code or utilities shared between the API and the CLI.
  • README.md: Documentation for your project.
  • .gitignore: List of files and directories that should not be tracked by Git.

Development Steps:

In order to devide the project in to digestible chunks, we defined the following stages

Backend Development:

Set up a Go server with necessary routes for CRUD operations. Implement database models and handlers for WASM binaries and metadata. Add middleware for authentication, logging, etc.

Frontend Development:

Set up a Vue.js project using Vue CLI. Create components for listing, uploading, updating, and deleting WASM binaries and metadata. Use Axios or Fetch API to make requests to your backend.

CLI Development:

Set up a basic Go CLI structure. Implement commands for CRUD operations on WASM binaries and metadata.


Write unit tests for your API handlers and CLI commands. Write end-to-end tests for your Vue.js application.


Deploy your API to a server or cloud provider. Build and deploy your Vue.js application to a static hosting service or cloud provider. Provide installation instructions for your CLI tool.


Document the API endpoints, request/response formats, and any authentication requirements. Provide a user guide for the Vue.js application. Document the installation and usage of the CLI tool.