
Extension of the rdf3x engine and the translatesparql tool.

Primary LanguageC++


GH-RDF3X is a more complete and modified version of the original RDF-3X engine.

Changes over original version ( rdf3x ):

  • OPTIONAL clause was implemented.
  • new GJOIN clause was added.
  • fixed bugs in lang, langMatches, bound and aritmetics relationals operators.
  • translatesparql now translate more complex queries from SPARQL to SQL for postgresql and monetdb.

RDF-3X was created by: Thomas Neumann. Web site: http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~neumann/rdf3x (c) 2008 RDF-3X was modified by: Hancel Gonzalez and Giuseppe De Simone (Advisor: Maria Esther Vidal). http://github.com/gh-rdf3x/gh-rdf3x (c) 2013