
💤 Take a break from the rapids of life

Primary LanguageTypeScript

    +       *      .         z    Z    _
        .      *           z   z      | |
  _____   ____ _ _ __    _ __ ___  ___| |_
 / _ \ \ / / _` | '_ \  | '__/ _ \/ __| __|
|  __/\ V / (_| | | | |_| | |  __/\__ \ |_
 \___| \_/ \__,_|_| |_(_)_|  \___||___/\__|

He sought out cold waterfalls, small thick forests, and thought about nothing at all.


3rd parties

You can't opt out of any. This code was written for me. This is documented here for me, as there is no reason you'd want to use my code.

Name Info
Last.fm Last.fm powers Hack.fm, so it's Spotify -> Last.fm -> Hack.fm. Hack.fm pulls the last last.fm entry. Both spotify and last.fm have APIs, but spotify's requires a huge painful OAuth flow, and last.fm's just sucks. Last.fm needs LASTFM_USER and LASTFM_KEY to be set. I forgot to document the incredibly terrible flow I did by hand, so you're on your own here. Good luck!
ActivityWatch ActivityWatch runs locally on your computer. This script requires a window watcher and afk bucket. .env is AW_EVENT_BUCKET and AW_SESSION_BUCKET for the respective bucket names
weather.gov What, you thought I actually made my own weather provider? weather.gov requires a user agent (hardcoded to evan.rest), and currently the WEATHER_STATION .env variable needs to be set. To get the closest station, you want to do api.weather.gov/points/lat,long, take gridId, gridX and gridY, then do /gridpoints/{gridId}/{gridX},{gridY}/stations, find your favourite (based on name), take the stationIdentifier, and put it in the env.