
Webpack2 plugin to upload source maps to Sentry

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Sentry plugin

npm version Build Status

A webpack plugin to upload source maps to Sentry. Forked to support hidden sourcemaps and more configurations.


Using npm:

$ npm install webpack2-sentry-plugin --save-dev

Using yarn:

$ yarn add webpack2-sentry-plugin --dev


  1. Configure Webpack to use the Plugin:

    var SentryPlugin = require('webpack2-sentry-plugin');
    var config = {
      devtool: 'source-map', // Also possible: hidden-source-map
      plugins: [
        new SentryPlugin({
          // Sentry options are required
          organisation: 'your-organisation-name',
          project: 'your-project-name',
          apiKey: process.env.SENTRY_API_KEY,
          // Release version name/hash is required
          release: function() {
            return process.env.GIT_SHA
          // custom options, like refs to send to sentry
          body: {
            refs: [{
              repository: 'project-repo',
              commit: process.env.GIT_SHA

Recommended reading for sourcemaps: webpack docs, Sentry docs. If you are using the uglify plugin make sure that it is configured with sourcemaps: true


  • exclude: RegExp to match for excluded files

    var config = {
      plugins: [
        new SentryPlugin({
          // Exclude uploading of html
          exclude: /\.html$/,
  • include: RegExp to match for included files

    var config = {
      plugins: [
        new SentryPlugin({
          // Only upload foo.js & foo.js.map
          include: /foo.js/,
  • filenameTransform: Function to transform filename before uploading to Sentry. Defaults to prefixing filename with ~/, which is used by Sentry as a host wildcard

    var config = {
      plugins: [
        new SentryPlugin({
          filenameTransform: function(filename) {
            return 'a-filename-prefix-' + filename
  • release: Release name to attach source maps to. Can be string or function that returns a string. If a function is passed, it will receive the build hash as an argument

var config = {
  plugins: [
    new SentryPlugin({
      release: function(hash) {
        return hash
  • suppressErrors: Display warnings instead of failing webpack build - useful in case webpack compilation is done during deploy on multiple instances

  • baseSentryURL: URL of Sentry instance. Shouldn't need to set if using sentry.io, but useful if self hosting

  • organisation: Sentry organisation to upload files to

  • project: Sentry project to upload files to

  • apiKey: Sentry api key (Generate one here)

  • body: custom body attributes to send to sentry. See https://docs.sentry.io/learn/releases for details.



Contributions are welcome 😄. To run the tests, please ensure you have the relevant environment variables set up. You can cp .env.example .env and fill it in with test account credentials. An API key can be created here, assuming you are signed in.

Commands to be aware of

Warning ⚠️: The test suite will create releases & upload files on Sentry. They should be cleaned up afterward, but ensure that you are not overwriting something important!

  • npm test: Runs the test suite
  • npm run build: Compiles distribution build

Differences to original version

This plugin determines which sourcemap maps to which file and passes this information on to Sentry. That way you can freely rename sourcemaps. Support for devtool: hidden-sourcemap was also added.