
PHP SMS library - I've used this with my old UMTS USB-Stick to receive SMS or send SMS for nagios. I wont work on this anymore since I dont need it anymore. This Code can read and send AT-Commands

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP SMS library - I've used this with my old UMTS USB-Stick to receive SMS or send SMS for nagios. I wont work on this anymore since I dont need it anymore.

Most code is inspired by smstools3 javascript PDU converter. http://smstools3.kekekasvi.com/topic.php?id=288

I've found it very useful during coding the PDU Converter which is actually the core of the SMS library (and obviously the code I've took the most time for).


Well - you need the follwoing PHP extension to use my code

pecl/dio - http://pecl.php.net/package/dio