
Data Savvy Training for Librarians.

Primary LanguageCSS


Website for DST4L - Data Savy Training for Librarians. denne web er lavet med Jekyll, GitHub pages, bootstrap templates ....

The site is public at http://dst4l.github.io and eventually at http://www.dst4l.info

Guide to using and maintaining this website

Simple usage

Adding or changing a simple file can be done directly via Github.

Edit and preview localy on your own PC

Install Jekyll

See Installing Jekyll on Windows

Fork and Clone the github repo.

Run Jekyll locally to preview changes

jekyll serve --watch

Commit and make a pull-request

Page types

Regular pages

HTML and Markdown pages can be added to the root of the repository. They will automatically be added to the menu. All pages should start with metadata in Jekyll YAML format:

title: Example Page

This is an example page


Kramdown is the MarkDown flavour that is being used to write simple text pages. (The files the the extension: .md)

Jekyll is used to process the markdown and partial html pages into a complete website.

Github Pages is used to host the website. Github knows about jekyll, so github will use jekyll to create the website everytime new commits are pushed to github.

Universal bootstrap theme is used for stylesheets and layout. It is free and has been downloaded from bootstrapious. It should be relatively easy to copy-paste any layout component you see in the theme into the DST4L website. If you need this simply write your page in HTML (use .html as extension)

Bootstrap is used by the Universal theme to do the layout. So if you have special layout requirements you may need to check the boottrap documentation. Also, any CSS and Component from Bootstrap should be easy to use in the DST4L website.