
my attempt to learn vulkano-rs and gltf

Primary LanguageRust




  • how do we make terrain under the clouds
  • how do we make clouds transparent
  • [?] how do we move game loop from winit event loop
  • how upgrading to vulkano 0.23 turns out very hard
  • how do we notice a thing to improve in profile
  • how do we profile
  • how do we add power lines to each sky segment
  • how do we add power line
  • how do we make sound environment
  • how do we make clouds seamless
  • how do we debug skybox
  • how do we mouse look
  • how do we create sunrise
  • how do we create skybox 2
  • how do we create skybox
  • how do we plop the light-sources
  • how do we write text on things in 3d
  • how do we generate random "cloud like landcapes" on the fly
  • how do vertex normals work
  • how do coordinate systems work

how do we move game loop from winit event loop

currently game loop and winit event loop are the same, thats bad, need to be fixed

how upgrading to vulkano 0.23 turns out very hard

trying to dig into "clean up finished" taking a lot of time (see next item) led me to upgrade to the latest vulkano, and that is hard.

cubemaps seem broken, but thats cause i dont really understand whats happenning there, fixing. cubemaps broken

oh no, that was so silly. works now. cubemaps work

how do we notice a thing to improve in profile

in the profile i noticed draw taking a lot unaccounted time, like 5ms. turns out its self.previous_frame_end.as_mut().unwrap().cleanup_finished();

cleanup finished

there seem to be a lot of discussions regarding performance of vulkano with molten vk on mac os, and cleanup_finished seems to be the thing that prevents it. or from brief googling this seems to be the case.


cleanup finished, explained

for now i am calling it every 10 frame, and the game been behaving much better.

cleanup finished, call rarer?

would be really cool to know what is a proper way to deal with this.

how do we profile

tracy profiler

we use profiling with tracy-client and tracy backend/visualization.

add lots of #[profiling::function] annotations, add this to cargo

profile-with-puffin = ["profiling/profile-with-puffin"]
profile-with-optick = ["profiling/profile-with-optick"]
profile-with-superluminal = ["profiling/profile-with-superluminal"]
profile-with-tracing = ["profiling/profile-with-tracing"]
profile-with-tracy = ["profiling/profile-with-tracy"]

on mac os tracy can be compiled like this:

brew install freetype capstone gtk
brew install glfw3
git clone git@github.com:wolfpld/tracy.git
cd tracy/profiler/build/unix
make release

and run like this

cd tracy/

then the game can be run with

cargo run --release --features=profile-with-tracy

then in tracy - connect to

current thing gets 100 fps. yay!

how do we add power lines to each sky segment

finally it looks like this: power lines in segments, almost

its almost done, the thing left to do is add connectings wires.

some early, in progress shot: power lines in segments, very weird geometry

how do we add power line

power line, in full


we can get a free model of a power line here https://3dsky.org/3dmodels/show/liep_2

and we get this

power line isolator

because our gltf importer only gets one primitive of many.

after some feedling, and the bug was - when a mesh consists of primitives, the indices of vertices in each primitive starts from zero, i.e. there is no global vertex list, was very puzzled until saw this

how do we make sound environment

we are trying to play a sound of the wind https://freesound.org/people/Huggy13ear/sounds/138970/ by Huggy13ear.

how do we make clouds seamless 2

The proper thing to do would be when generating next cloud rectangle - pass in references to neighbours so we could make sure neighbour left border for example is equal to our right border.

squares equal at the border

how do we make clouds seamless

As a first approximation we make Z for clouds equal to 0.0 on the borders of the squares. does not look very good.

squares zero at the border

how do we debug sky box

and the last problem was 512 size of skybox texture vs. real 1024.


before that the problem was that we did not wait for the skybox texture future, and as soon as we wait - we get skybox!


still looks buggy, but cool.

how do we mouse look

to debug skybox seems its very cool to have mouse look, now we have one! mouse look

how do we create skybox 2

we have some skybox! skybox

probably a bug as it needs to look like this: skybox (by Jockum Skoglund aka hipshot)

how do we create skybox

made an attempt at skyboxing. The general idea is: have 2 render subpasses, one normal, as before, with vertex and fragrment shader creating geometry and then colors. the other stage takes the output of first stage and draws a sky box over it (probably according to depth). Skybox being a large cube surrounding the camera with a "vast landscape" like texture.

Learned how to do stages to a degree. second stage drawing the cube with a first stage as color

in this i can recognize the dynamic landcape (the first stage that was before), drawn over a cube (second stage), i think. but learned how to pass attachments between stages, skybox should follow.

how do we create sunrise

Here is what i learnt just now. There seem to be multiple ways to do lighting. Main consideration is - we need to do a computation linear in number of lights times number of geometry things. We also may have a lot of light sources, and they can be dynamic. Seems we cant just sent everything to the fragment shader and do this the easy way.

So the cool approach everybody are doing is - split the gpu computation into a 2 phases, one does geometry and prepares for the lightning and another does lightning. That can be done in different sequences giving few named methods, like:

  • Deferred Lighting (combine all radiances from all lights then do a geometry + lightning).
  • Deferred Shading (do all the meshes into the view screen buffer, then do the lightning for each source)
  • Light-indexed Deferred Rendering (first pass get indices of lights that are visible then do the geometry with indices)

I however managed to only do the thing Amethyst does in its shaded shader - https://github.com/amethyst/amethyst/blob/main/amethyst_rendy/shaders/fragment/shaded.frag Not yet sure if albedo counting stuff is the "Deferred Lighting: combine all radiances from all lights", did not have time to figure it out, no albedo currently, and the picture does look not like a sunrise to me. Totally can check the "how do we plop the light-source" box though.

flying towards the sunrise

Now, we can create reflection / diffuse of the sun like this: https://github.com/jwagner/webglice/blob/master/shaders/sun.glsl

that gives us:

sun reflection

next is the creation of actual sun

how do we write text on things in 3d

I created a very large texture with all possible texts, like this. all texts. Then each number would be in a triangle, like this, triangle. Thats why there is double space for each text.

Then we properly count the texure coords - key here is that they are in the interval (0, 1). Then we need to discard non red texture pixels, and we get this: red numbers across the scene

Thats feels very naive, but works for our purposes.

Bug - each glyph seems to be of different height, so the "-" sign gets to the top of its spot and not to the middle as usual. Will need fixage.

how do we generate random "cloud like landcapes" on the fly


So blender uses some kind of random perlin noise mesh generator, see add mesh ant landscape which in turn uses some c written things, see blendlib intern noise which i had to translate to rust.

then i had to learn how to dynamically supply newly generated landcape meshes from the background thread to the main game loop. pretty neat, but still parts left to do. like, dynamically determine the range for pre-generating terrain based on camera fov area? i.e. generate meshes from here and till the end of visible region. And would be cool to make the generated regions of terrain to be "seamless".

how do coordinate systems work:

Gltf default camera: “and the default camera sits on the -Z side looking toward the origin with +Y up”


(Dimensions of the box (x:1 y:4 z:16) But:


I.e. blender gltf export swaps y and z. Weird.

What is blender convention:

  • The /X-axis/ typically represents side-to-side movement.
  • The /Y-axis/ represents front-to-back movement.
  • The /Z-axis/ goes from top to bottom.

So, blender gltf exporter converts coordinate systems: swaps Y and Z. If you are designing an asset in blender to be viewable in the default camera in gltf (sitting in -Z:[0, 0, -1] pointing towards +Z [0, 0, 1] pointing up and with +Y[0, 1, 0]


Skybox textures: https://opengameart.org/content/interstellar-skybox-png Skybox inspiration: https://github.com/adrien-ben/gltf-viewer-rs/blob/master/src/renderer/skybox.rs