🚆 Todolist 🇺🇦

❓ What's this app?

🌄️ Applications for recording their tasks, there is the possibility of filtering, the data is saved on the server, the functionality will be added whenever possible...

🩱 If you wish, you can use the code for your own purposes :)

🏎️Technologies that were used in the implementation of the project:

🔩 To clone a project, copy the link https://github.com/bogdan-Kozlovsky/IT-INCUBATOR_todolist-TS.git and write the command in the console yarn

🥱 Library : React

🧠️ State manager : Redux Toolkit

🐁 Сode typing: Typescript

🙏 Form validation: Formik

🦾 Linter : Eslint

🕶️‍️ Сode formatting : Prettier

🧗🏻 Сode typing: Prettier

🤘‍ Server requests : Axios

🤕 Middleware: Redux-thunk

😈 Stylization : Material.ua

🇺🇦 And much more...

❤️‍🔥Good luck