
This is a examples that shows from outside of mx-sdk repo how you can use the simulator. Sometimes devnet or test net they slow you down. This is fast (the docker-run task, use this to debug while working on client apps)

make flow

make run-repo-examples

this one clones the mx-chain-simulator-go and runs all the run-examples in the respectiv repo

make run-local-adder-example

local folder adder-example is a copy of adder-example of skd simulator repo but it adds also the folowing files that have also bean collect and copied over to the local folder so we have complete view over what is needed

  • wallet.pem
  • modified to only start
  • modified to only use fiels in the current directory

make run-java-broadcast-test

This will run the java broadcast test. Run this on a machine that has jdk 17 o higher configured since the scripts to not configure it for you

make docker-run

This is useful for debugging. You can also run the emulator and keep it running so you can connect to with with any language you want. I use java but you can use any other.

make docker-stop

shuts down multiversx/chainsimulator