- 0
- 10
- 8
- 0
Ability to set filter value programmatically
#323 opened by jkaufman - 12
Multiple rows per asset
#314 opened by gap777 - 2
- 3
User's current time zone
#320 opened by fzf - 2
Unable to set class attribute for select filter
#319 opened by jkaufman - 2
Optimizing Single Authorization Check
#318 opened by MehmetCelik4 - 1
Demo link in README is broken
#317 opened by elsurudo - 4
Order error with batches
#316 opened by lukasedw - 1
Ajax enum/select filter
#295 opened by rbdmorgan - 3
Full HTML rendering context for empty state
#315 opened by gap777 - 2
UI without HTML Table element
#310 opened by gap777 - 14
Cannot use Sequel pagination
#311 opened by snacks02 - 4
Receiving a 302 error when searching
#308 opened by mkwoodburn - 4
Custom driver
#304 opened by gap777 - 2
Rails 7 support?
#303 opened by flozano - 2
add header to filter type enum or xboolean
#302 opened by mostafasobh - 7
- 6
- 2
- 2
Preserve nested query params on order links
#297 opened by fabriciofreitag - 9
Date filter renders as text input
#294 opened by rbdmorgan - 2
Example of the grid with json data type?
#298 opened by kevinhq - 4
Upgrade to 1.6.2 broke column_names_filter
#296 opened by greenfork - 2
Select all and row checkboxes
#293 opened by noctivityinc - 3
Custom order of columns
#285 opened by egracens - 3
Passing current_user to filter with a checkbox
#291 opened by Ellerden - 2
Link to grid with specific filter enabled
#290 opened by Ellerden - 1
- 3
- 6
Totals table: Show all filters as rows
#286 opened by Ellerden - 1
Mongoid 7.1.0 breaks Drivers::Mongoid#to_scope in datagrid/drivers/mongoid.rb
#284 opened by mike-loopvoc - 5
Optional filters and allow_nil
#283 opened by tmikoss - 4
- 3
- 14
column level search or filter in Datagrid
#280 opened by trselva - 2
Chinese char are not shown in table
#279 opened by trselva - 1
Filter with multiple columns
#274 opened by trselva - 2
- 1
batch_size default
#276 opened by dgodd - 1
Question - Datagrid + page_entries_info
#271 opened by rusikf - 2
- 3
cache is not working as expected
#272 opened by saiqulhaq - 0
Fixed Headers for datagrid columns
#273 opened by himanshu1591 - 2
Pagy for pagination
#269 opened by joshmn - 4
Little style issue
#266 opened by dux - 3
Association Question
#268 opened by estebanutz - 1
SQL Injection in Filter example
#267 opened by evan-duncan