Collaboratively edited playlists for your parties.
.env fileShow users currently in the party using a Pusher presence channel for every party- Voting mechanism:
API endpoint;handle Pusher event in the UI;- change the order of the songs immediately on the triggerrer (do not wait for Pusher);
- add the actual button for voting;
- persist the users who voted for each song, not just the number of votes and show them alongside each song in the queue.
- Add "Search" button on party page
- Implement logout
- Bug: Queue updates to the playlist UI so incoming songs are added in the right order (and after the playlist is initially populated)
- Check that duplicate queue entries don't occur
- Retrieve messages missed during periods of network instability
- Bug: when the host leaves party, correctly update the guests that nothing is playing
- Recent parties page (so users could find their way back to the party when lost)
- Show a flash message for newly created parties inviting host to add some songs and how to invite quests
- Subscribe to the party presence channel from the search page
- Make routes less fat
- Handle failure better
- Monitor Pusher connection state and notify users when disconnected Gmail-style
- Show the total duration of the songs that are left in the play queue
- Show how much a user has to wait until their song comes up
- Pagination of YouTube search results (or "Load More")
- Automatically load more results when all 10 results have been added to the queue
- Collapse extra participants when there are too many to fit on the screen
- And no longer display the current user if it's the only participant
- Add repeat feature
- Track playback progress to avoid starting from the beginning upon page refresh
- Suggest some songs to kick off the party after it's created
- either whatever is popular at the moment or based on the host's past parties (and guests' past parties, as they join)
- Always-working suggest feature (collaborative filtering)
- maybe use YouTube's related videos search?
- Implement authorization with YouTube (maybe use IonicaBizau/youtube-api?) and allow importing user's existing YouTube playlists
- Show video's publish date in search results based on its publishedAt property (and translate 2011-12-14T20:48:50.000Z to 4 years ago like YouTube does)
- Maybe use Isotope to rearrange users based on their contribution to the party?