
This repository is the official implementation of the paper Convolutional Neural Operators for robust and accurate learning of PDEs

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Convolutional Neural Operators for robust and accurate learning of PDEs

This repository is the official implementation of the paper Convolutional Neural Operators for robust and accurate learning of PDEs (see https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.01178.pdf). The paper was presented at NeurIPS 2023.

Representative PDE Benchmarks (RPB) are available at https://zenodo.org/records/10406879 !

Read our blog at https://link.medium.com/Mht8Th5OhFb !

alt text

The CNO is tested on a novel set of benchmarks, termed as Representative PDE Benchmarks (RPB), that span across a variety of PDEs ranging from linear elliptic and hyperbolic to nonlinear parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs, with possibly multiscale solutions. The CNO is either on-par or outperformed the tested baselines on all the benchmarks, both when testing in-distribution as well as in out-of-distribution testing.

Relative median L¹ test errors, for both in- and out-of-distribution testing, for different benchmarks and models..

We assess the test errors of the CNO and other baselines at different testing resolutions notably, for the Navier-Stokes equations benchmarks. We observe that in this case, the CNO is the only model that demonstrates approximate error invariance with respect to test resolution.

The CNO model has almost constant testing error across different resolutions (Navier-Stokes).


The code is based on python 3 (version 3.7) and the packages required can be installed with

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Training a CNO is slow on CPU. We suggest the training to be run on a GPU!

  2. To run the original CNO code, one needs the CUDA toolkit 11.1 or later. This toolkit is NOT the same as cudatoolkit from Conda. Please visit the page https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit for installation!

  3. Vanilla CNO versions do not require special CUDA toolkit installation.

  4. To run the CNO code on Linux, one needs GCC 7 or later compiler. To run the CNO code on Windows, one needs Visual Studio compiler.

  5. To run the CNO code, one needs ninja build system.

Implementation of the filters from the original CNO code is borrowed from the paper Alias-Free Generative Adversarial Networks (StyleGAN3). Their official github page is https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan3.

Vanilla CNO versions use antialias interpolation methods from the pytorch library.

Note: To train or evaluate models other than CNO, please move the required files/scripts/modules from the folder _OtherModels to the main folder.

CNO1d (vanilla pytorch version)

We recently added 1d implementation of CNO. The model is termed as "vanilla CNO" (as the interpolation filters cannot be manually designed). The vanilla CNO1d code has been modified from a tutorial featured in the ETH Zurich course "AI in the Sciences and Engineering." Git page for this course: https://github.com/bogdanraonic3/AI_Science_Engineering

The code does not utilize the CUDA kernel, making it significantly simpler to configure compared to the standard CNO. For up/downsampling, the antialias interpolation functions from the torch library are utilized, limiting the ability to design your own low-pass filters at present.

While acknowledging this suboptimal setup, the performance of the vanilla CNO1d remains commendable.

Source Data

We cover instances of the Poisson, Wave, Navier-Stokes, Allen-Cahn, Transport and Compressible Euler equations and Darcy flow. Data can be downloaded from https://zenodo.org/records/10406879 (~2.4GB).

Alternatively, run the script download_data.py which downloads all required data into the appropriate folder (it requires 'wget' to be installed on your system).

python3 download_data.py

The "data.zip" needs to be unzipped.

Models Training

Each of the baselines described in the paper can be trained by running the python scripts


where ** holds for:

- CNO:    CNO model
- FNO:    FNO model
- DON:    DeepONet model

The models' hyperparameter can be specified in the corresponding python scripts as well.

To select the benchmark experiment for FNO and CNO to be trained, the variable "which_example" in a corresponding script Tran**.py should have one of the following values:

poisson             : Poisson equation 
wave_0_5            : Wave equation
cont_tran           : Smooth Transport
disc_tran           : Discontinuous Transport
allen               : Allen-Cahn equation
shear_layer         : Navier-Stokes equations
airfoil             : Compressible Euler equations
darcy               : Darcy Flow


The following files correspond to:

Problems/CNOBenchmark.py :            Dataloader for CNO model
_OtherBenchamrks/FNOBenchmark.py :    Dataloader for FNO model
_OtherBenchamrks/BenchmarksDON.py:    Dataloader for DeepONet model

Hyperparameters Grid/Random Search

Cross validation for each model can be run with:

python3 ModelSelection**.py

where ** correspond to a model, as noted above.

The hyperparameters of the best-performing models reported in the Supplementary Materials are obtained in this way.


If a slurm-base cluster is available, set sbatch=True and cluster="true" in the scripts. We ran the codes on a local cluster (Euler cluster).

Error Computations

To compute the relative L1 median errors of the CNO and FNO models, one scould run the scripts "ErrorDistribution.py".

In the "ErrorDistribution.py" file, one should select the variable "which", corresponding to a benchmark experiment.

In the same file, one can set a variable "plot = True" to plot a random sample and predictions for the CNO and FNO models. One can also set "plot = False" to compute the errors for the CNO and FNO models. By selecting "in_dist = False", one obtains out-of-distribution test errors.