
Base image for Bayes dev projects using React on top of npm.

MIT LicenseMIT

This is the source of the Docker image bayesimpact/react-base.

It is used to speed up setup when developping a project using React with npm. It prepares a container with node and npm latest versions as well as a good deal of node modules pre-installed.

Use it as a base and put your actual application in /usr/app.

If you use this image for production (but you should compile your React anyway), beware that there might be many node modules that you won't need at all.

Local testing

To test this image locally before publishing, build it with

docker build -t bayesimpact/react-base:latest .

Then simply rebuild your images that are based on react-base.

Publishing the image

The public image on https://hub.docker.com/r/bayesimpact/react-base/ gets updated automatically. You just have to edit the Dockerfile and push to github. Always have someone review your code before you push to master.