CG Project
To contribute:
Get latest changes:
- git checkout master
- git fetch origin
- git merge origin/master
Create new working branch:
- git checkout -b new-feature
do changes
Stage your changes and write the history:
- git add, git commit
Re-update master before pushing:
- git checkout master
- git fetch origin
- git merge origin/master
Update your branch:
- git checkout new-feature
- git rebase master
Update master with your branch:
- git checkout master
- git merge new-feature
Push changes to Github:
- git push origin master
To run it:
- cd < project-folder >
- source < env-name >/bin/activate
First time you need to add:
- cd < project-folder >
- virtualenv < env-name >
- source /bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt