
This project is a pre-employment test for a Golang Developer With Clouds position.

This project is a pre-employment test for a Golang Developer With Clouds position.

If some requirements are not clear - feel free to resolve them on your own in a way you find reasonable.

Coinbase pinger

Coinbase pinger is an application that periodically pings the Coinbase API and updates a status of a custom Kubernetes resource according to a result.

The Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition CoinbasePinger has the following schema:

apiVersion: dev.org/v1
kind: CoinbasePinger

  endpoint: "prices/BTC-USD/buy"
  interval: "60s"

  - type: "ServiceOnline"
    # True or False
    status: True
    # PingFailed or PingSucceeded
    reason: PingSucceeded
    # Reply message or error message
    message: "{"data":{"base":"BTC","currency":"USD","amount":"58516.67"}}"
    lastUpdateTime: ""
    lastTransitionTime: ""


The CoinbasePinger CRD and the operator are created using the Kubebuilder (https://book.kubebuilder.io/).

Whenever CoinbasePinger custom resource (CR) is created or updated, the operator validates the spec fields and a controller reconciles the state: it creates or updates a Kubernetes CronJob that runs every spec.interval. The application executed by the CronJob pings the Coinbase API endpoint: https://api.coinbase.com/v2/{spec.endpoint} and attaches results to annotations of a POD on which it is executed.

The CoinbasePinger operator watches the PODs created by the CronJob and updates the CoinbasePinger CR status according to a result that is found in POD annotations.

When CoinbasePinger CR is deleted, the CronJob is deleted as well.


The application that is executed by the CronJob is implemented as a separate Go module and is built as a Docker image, that is used by the CronJob. Multi-stage Docker build is preferred.

Overall project structure (not all files shown)

  - operator/
      <kubebuilder operator files>
  - app/
      <Conbase API pinger application files>

As a build tool, it is better to use Gradle. It should have the following task:

$ ./gradlew installLocal

which builds docker images, creates a KIND cluster (if not exists), loads images to a cluster and installs the project.

Definition of done

  • The project can be installed on a local KIND cluster using the command $ ./gradlew installLocal.
  • The CoinbasePinger can be applied using $ kubectl create -f ./operator/config/samples/dev.org_v1_coinbasepinger.yaml.
  • The CoinbasePinger shows the status and is updated at interval: $ kubectl get coinbasepingers -o yaml -w.

Useful links

K8s API client usage example: https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go/blob/master/examples/in-cluster-client-configuration/main.go