liny effect maven repo calculator
The project is based on J. D. Cook blog, wikipage, [Original blog] (
The software is licensed unde GPLv3 terms with the following exception: using of the project in any form and by all means is forbiden to:
- all governemnts and its agencies which support terrorism
- all governemnts and its agencies which annexed territory of another state after 2000 year without UN or NATO permission
- all agencies of Russian Federation.
$cd ~
$git clone
$mvn assembly:assembly
$cd ~/you_project
$mvn dependency:tree > dep.tree
$cp dep.tree ~/lindy-stat
$cd ~/lindy-stat/target
$java -jar lindy-stat-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar tree dep.tree dep.tree.csv
it will print some logs and finally generate the csv file. Enjoy