
Bookkeeper keeps track of things around the farms, especially the crops, and how they are performing. It's not hard work, but it's still important.

Bookkeeper is a contract that provides a convenient interface for retrieving important data from the various strategies, vaults, and pools that are a part of

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Oracle will be a universal price oracle, providing price data for any asset using DEX LPs

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Hardhat environment

The project uses Hardhat to compile, test and deploy solidity smart contracts.


  1. To use Hardhat install all dependencies from package.json using npm install.
  2. Create a dev-keys.json file with your Alchemy API key:
  "etherscanAPI": "<your-etherscanAPI-key>",
  "alchemyKeyMainnet": "<your-alchemy-key>",
  "alchemyKeyRopsten": "<your-alchemy-key-ropsten>",
  "alchemyKey": "<your-alchemy-key>",
  "bscscanAPI": "<your-bscscanAPI-key>",

fork may be "matic","bsc" or "mainnet" (used in hardhat.config.js)


To run use the commands available in Hardhat. You can compile the contracts using npx hardhat compile and run tests using npx hardhat test [test file].


All addresses for tokens and factories defined at deployment-tools/address-book.js

deployments folder must be added to the repository, to store all previous contracts, and their proxies, so later it shoud update changed contracts only.

To test deployment, first set "fork" at the dev-keys.json to needed network (ex."matic") Check deployment:npx hardhat deploy Run test for this network (hardhat will deploy all changed contracts automatically):
npx hardhat test test/matic-fork-test-OracleMatic.js

Deploy to production

1.Add DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY to the dev-keys.json Key should NOT start with 0x. It will be added automatically.


npx hardhat --network matic deploy

or for Mumbai Testnet

npx hardhat --network maticTestnet deploy

3.Do not forget to remove private key after deployment from the dev-keys.json


Run npx hardhat --network mainnet etherscan-verify

Deploy plugin executes etherscan-verify command - it will automatically verify all deployed contracts with their proxy. Details: hardhat-etherscan-verify

Contract Registry


hardhat test test/contract-registry.js


coverage --testfiles "test/contract-registry.js"


Deployed with proxy.

hardhat deploy --tags Registry --network {mainnet|bsc|matic}

Warning! Do not forget to commit deployments changes after deploy to save proxy state.