Building debian binary packages is easy with CMake/CPack, but CMake/CPack lack the ability to generate debian source packages that can be uploaded to LaunchPad and other debian package building systems, such as Open Build Service. This project is a collection of CMake functions to simplify building, testing, and uploading debian source packages.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
At this point, your other CMake projects can find CMakeDebSrc project using "find_package(CMakeDebSrc)". However, this project does contain a valid "make install" target, if required.
On Ubuntu 16.04, install the required packages:
$ sudo apt-get install pbuilder ubuntu-dev-tools debootstrap
Setup your .pbuilderrc file with the provided example:
$ cp pbuilderrc ~/.pbuilderrc
Add keyrings for Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install ubuntu-keyring debian-archive-keyring
Add keyring for
$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
Create a pbuilder environment for xenial / amd64:
$ sudo DIST=xenial ARCH=amd64 pbuilder --create
This will create a tarball of the distribution in /var/cache/pbuilder. This environment can be safely removed from your system with the "rm" command.
Create a pbuilder environment for xenial / armhf
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential crossbuild-essential-armhf
$ sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static
$ sudo DIST=xenial ARCH=armhf pbuilder --create
Create a pbuilder environment for xenial / arm64
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture arm64
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install crossbuild-essential-arm64
$ sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static
$ sudo DIST=xenial ARCH=arm64 pbuilder --create
Allow pbuilder to have access to the network during build-time:
$ echo 'USENETWORK=yes' | sudo tee -a /etc/pbuilderrc
See Using Passwords and Encryption Keys to manage OpenPGP keys
$ cd ./example
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DPPA=ppa:kevin-demarco/cmake-project-template \
where the PPA and GPG_KEY_ID are correct for your system.
$ make pybind11-debuild
$ make pybind11-armhf-local-test
$ make pybind11-upload-ppa
In the example directory, there is a CMake project called "MyCoolProject" that uses the "BuildDebSrcFromRepo" CMake function to generate a debian source package from a git repository. Make sure you use the "find_package(CMakeDebSrc)" cmake command to get access to the "BuildDebSrcFromRepo" function. Every debian source package requires a debian folder with at least the following files: changelog, control, copyright, and rules. You will find the debian directory for the pybind11 package under ./example/packages/pybind11/debian. You can use these files as a starting point for packaging your own project.
If you have a project where you have to build multiple packages from source, it is suggested that you copy the "example" CMake project and add additional directories under the "./example/packages" for each of your depedencies. You will have to manually modify the files under the "debian" directory since these files may vary greatly between projects. You can use git to track the debian configuration files and use the CMake functions provided in this project to locally test debian source package builds and upload them to LaunchPad.
I have found that the "pbuilder --update" command doesn't work as expected when adding additional mirrors (OTHERMIRROR) to the pbuilderrc file. To work around this, I will remove the pbuilder cache and rerun the "pbuilder --create" command.
Clear the pbuilder cache and tarballs
$ sudo rm -rf /var/cache/pbuilder/*
Create the tarball again:
$ sudo DIST=xenial ARCH=arm64 pbuilder --create