This is the code that powers my little Tic Tac Toe react game :). To build it I've used React and SASS.
For the development environment I've used Yeoman's generator-react-6.
The live game is currently running on
This is licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
For this to work you need to have installed Git, Node with npm and Ruby to compile SASS.
Clone the repository from Github:
git clone
Install the packages required:
cd personal-website && npm install
This project uses Gulp to run automated tasks for development and production builds. The tasks are as follows:
gulp serve
: Compiles preprocessors and boots up development server
gulp serve --open
: Same as gulp serve
but will also open up site/app in your default browser
gulp serve --production
: Same as gulp serve
but will run all production tasks so you can view the site/app in it's final optimized form
gulp --production
: Same as gulp serve --production
also run gulp test
and not boot up production server
gulp test
: Lints all *.js
file in the source
folder using eslint
The basic file structure for the project is organized in the following way:
└── styles
└── components
└── _settings.scss
└── _game.scss
└── main.scss
└── scripts
└── components
└── components
└── Board.js
└── Cell.js
└── Footer.js
└── Header.js
└── app.js
└── index.html