
Web service to render your tumblr dashboard as an RSS feed.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Turns your tumblr dashboard into an RSS feed. An installation of this service is currently running on my website at tumblr2rss.obstack.net. Just follow the instructions on that page and you will get a link like http://tumblr2rss.obstack.net/v2/dashboard/<random-junk>.rss which can be used in your feed reader of choice.

If you want to set up your own install follow the instructions listed here:


As a step 0, you'll need to register a new "App" with tumblr and get an OAuth consumer key and secret. This process is not particularly difficult, but somewhat involved, so I will not detail it here. I'll assume you already have them.

First, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/Joshkunz/tumblr2rss.git

Then, optionally (but recommended) make a virtualenv:

virtualenv tumblr2rss-virtualenv
source tumblr2rss-virtualenv/bin/activate

Next, install the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then make a copy of the skeleton configuration file:

cp config.py.skel config.py

and fill in all the necessary fields. Most important are the CONSUMER_KEY and CONSUMER_SECRET fields you got from tumblr. I'm going to assume you used the defaults for the rest of this guide.

The next thing you'll want to do is create a sqlite database according to the schema located in user.schema. Luckily, tumblr2rss comes with a script that can do that for you:


You'll also need some random data in your configured secret key file. There's a simple script to generate this as well:


At this point you should be ready to go. Just run the following command to start the test server:


It's not recommended that you use this development server for a "real" deployment. http://tumblr2rss.obstack.net uses gunicorn with the supplied gunicorn.conf configuration.


Recently I've made changes that anonymize Dashboard feed URLs. Unfortunately, this required a table schema change. The code should be backwards compatible, but if you would like to use the new schema, you'll have to convert your old database using scripts/v1tov2-migrate-db.