The one (short for OpenNebula) module allows to install and manage your OpenNebula cloud.
We support Puppet 3.1.1 on CentOS 6.7 with OpenNebula 4.12.1. You need to add the EPEL repository because the module needs some packages from there.
Note, there is a required package on the oned controller node that is not managed by this module, the gem nokogiri (or the yum package rubygem-nokori). This can be installed elsewhere in that node's puppet catalog like this:
package {'rubygem-nokogiri':
ensure => installed,
} ->
class {'::one':}
The ONe-Module needs the following other modules:
How to install:
puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib
puppet module install puppetlabs-apt
puppet module install puppetlabs-inifile
Example usage for opennebula puppet module
Running as OpenNebula Master with Apache and mod_passenger and Sunstone using kvm and 802.1q VLAN networking:
class { one: oned => true, sunstone => true, sunstone_passenger => true, }
Attn: needs separate apache config for sunstone.
running opennebula node
class { one: }
Create a ONE Vnet
onevnet { '<name>':
ensure => present | absent,
# name of the bridge to use
bridge => 'basebr0',
# name of the physical interface on which the bridge wiull run
phydev => 'br0',
dnsservers => ['', ''],
gateway => '',
# add vlanid
vlanid => '1550',
netmask => '',
network_address => '',
Create onevnet addressrange
onevnet_addressrange { '<name>':
ensure => present | absent,
onevnet_name => '<name>', # this has to be an existing onevnet - will be autorequired if declared
ar_id => '<INT>', # read only value
protocol => ip4 | ip6 | ip4_6 | ether,
size => '10',
mac => '02:00:0a:00:00:96', # optional
# attributes for ip4 and ip4_6:
ip => ''
# attributes for ip6:
globalprefix => '2001:a::', # optional
ulaprefix => 'fd01:a:b::', # optional
Attention: onevnet_addressrange uses the title to uniqly identify address ranges among all Virtual Networks. The title will be set as common attribute with the name PUPPET_NAME. This means: address ranges which are not set by Puppet will not be visible using puppet resource onevnet_addressrange command.
Create a ONE Datastore
onedatastore { '<name>':
ensure => present | absent,
type => 'IMAGE_DS' | 'SYSTEM_DS' | 'FILE_DS',
ds_mad => 'fs' | 'vmware' | 'iscsi' | 'lvm' | 'vmfs' | 'ceph',
tm_mad => 'shared' | 'ssh' | 'qcow2' | 'iscsi' | 'lvm' | 'vmfs' | 'ceph' | 'dummy',
driver => 'raw | qcow2',
ceph_host => 'cephhost', # (optional: ceph only)
ceph_user => 'cephuser', # (optional: ceph only)
ceph_secret => 'ceph-secret-here', # (optional: ceph only)
pool_name => 'cephpoolname', # (optional: ceph only)
bridge_list => 'host1 host2 host3', # (optional: ceph only)
disk_type => 'file' | 'block' | 'rdb',
base_path => '/some/lib/path/datastore', #Optional
cluster => 'somename', # Optional
cluster_id => '1234', # Optional
Create a ONE Host
onehost { '<name>':
ensure => present | absent,
im_mad => 'kvm' | 'xen' | 'vmware' | 'ec2' | 'ganglia' | 'dummy' | 'custom',
vm_mad => 'kvm' | 'xen' | 'vmware' | 'ec2' | 'dummy' | 'custom' | 'qemu',
vn_mad => 'dummy' | 'firewall' | 'vlan' | 'ebtables' | 'ovswitch' | 'vmware' | 'custom',
Create a ONE Cluster
onecluster { '<name>':
ensure => present | absent,
hosts => [ 'host1', 'host2',...],
vnets => [ 'vnet1', 'vnet2', ...],
datastores => [ 'ds1', 'ds2', ...],
Create a ONE Image
oneimage { '<name>':
ensure => present | absent,
datastore => 'default',
description => 'Image description',
disk_type => 'os' | 'cdrom' | 'datablock' | 'kernel' | 'ramdisk' | 'context',
persistent => 'true' | 'false',
dev_prefix => 'hd' | 'sd' | 'xvd' | 'vd',
target => 'hda' | 'hdb' | 'sda' | 'sdb',
path => '/tmp/image_file',
driver => 'raw' | 'qcow2' | 'tap:aio' | 'file:',
# non file based images
source => '',
size => '11200' # 11.2 GB
fstype => 'ext3',
Create a ONE Template
onetemplate { '<name>':
ensure => present | absent,
memory => '1024',
cpu => '0.2',
vcpu => '4',
features => { 'acpi' => 'yes|no', 'pae' => 'true|false' },
os => { 'kernel' => '/boot/vmkernel', 'initrd' => '/boot/vminitrd', 'arch' => 'x86_64', 'root' => 'hda1', 'bootloader' => '/sbin/lilo', 'boot' => 'hd|fd|cdrom|network' }
pci_bridge => '4',
disks => [ 'disk1', 'disk2', ...],
nics => [ 'nic1', 'vnet2', .. ],
nic_model => 'virtio',
graphics => { 'type' => 'vnc|sdl', 'listen' => '', 'password' => 'myvncpass', 'keymap' => 'de' },
context => { 'VAR1' => 'value1', 'var2' => 'value2', ...},
context_ssh_pubkey => '$USER[SSH_PUBLIC_KEY]',
context_network => 'yes' | 'no',
context_onegate => 'yes' | 'no',
context_files => [ '', ''],
context_variable => # unused,
context_placemant_host => # unused,
context_placemet_cluster => # unused,
context_policy => # unused,
Create a ONE VM
onevm { '<name>':
ensure => present | absent,
template => 'template_name',
Create a ONE Security Groups (ONe <= 4.12):
onesecgroup {'securitygroup1':
description => 'Optional description',
rules => [ { protocol => 'TCP|UDP|ICMP|IPSEC|ALL',
rule_type => 'INBOUND|OUTBOUND',
ip => '',
size => '255',
range => '22,53,80:90,110,1024:65535',
icmp_type => 'optional, only applies for icmp',
{ protocol => 'ALL',
rule_type => 'OUTBOUND',
For questions or bugs create an issue on Github.
How to contribute:
Copyright © 2013 - 2016 Deutsche Post E-Post Development GmbH
Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.