
API Helpers

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

#Google Favicon Helper

//Create a new object of the service wrapper
$Favicon = new Google_FavIcon_Service();

//This function takes a parameter of the url, to get the fav icon of

#goo.gl API Wrapper

#Gravatar API Wrapper

#Google Calculator API Wrapper

#Google Closure Compiler Helper

#Google Page Speed API Wrapper To use this api you need to have a Google API key, in this wrapper it can be deffined in the constructor or using the Api_Key() function

$PageSpeed = new GooglePageSpeed("YOUR_API_KEY");

//This function returns FALSE if it fails or a std Object if success containing the data
//The only parameter it takes is the url to analyze

#Masterbranch API Wrapper

#Open Exchange Rates API Wrapper

#Placehold.it Helper

#PasteHTML API Wrapper

#Prefixr API Wrapper

#shr.im API Wrapper

#Xbox Live API Wrapper