
ES6 Features and how to use them today with various browsers, transpilers and tools

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#EcmaScript 6 Today!

Use the code for each of the features along with the corresponding explanations in the Nettuts+ article.

Features and tools discussed are:

  1. Block scoping with let [ using Firefox browser ]
  2. Block scoping with const [ using Chrome browser ]
  3. Classes [ using Traceur ]
  4. Default function parameters [ using TypeScript ]
  5. Collections [ using NodeJS ]
  6. Destructuring [ using Firefox browser ]
  7. Rest parameters & Spread operator [ using Grunt plugin Traceur ]
  8. Iterators [ using Firefox browser ]
  9. Array comprehension [ using Firefox browser ]
  10. Modules [ using ES6 Module Transpiler ]