
Design a vending machine in JavaScript using TDD with Jasmine

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This project's goal is to design a vending machine using only JavaScript.

The vending machine is deployed to heroku here. Try it out!

To access the vending machine, clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/bohandley/vending-machine.git

To run the tests, navigate to the vending-machine directory.

Type open SpecRunner.html in the terminal.

Future versions of vending-machine will use HTML5 as a user inteface with DOM manipulation and event handling to insert coins and purchase products.

To interact with the program, navigate to the vending-machine directory.

Type open index.html in the terminal.

Insert coins, choose products, receive change. Be careful, products sell out quickly!

Updated 11/15/2017

vending-machine has a complete user-interface with administrative functions!

After cloning the repository, navigate to the directory and type open index.html

Explore the machine. Insert coins, choose products, collect change and more.

For further exploration of the vending-machine's capabilities, explore the administrative functions: empty all coins restock coins empty inventory restock inventory

Notes on development

Job 0 - Test Driven Development

Set up Jasmine for machine.js, coin.js, product.js

Job 1 - Accept coins

Machine accepts valid coins

  • nickels
  • dimes
  • quarters Machine reject invalid coins
  • returns pennies

Coins have attributes

  • known
    • size
    • weight
  • unknown
    • value(assigned by machine which reads the weight of the coin and assigns a value)

Job 2 - Select a product

User inserts coins(simulated by pressing buttons) User selects a product

  • Cola - 1.00
  • Chips - 0.50
  • Candy - 0.65
  • If enough coins have been inserted Display 'THANK YOU'
    • Remove product from inventory
    • Dispense product
  • If user inserts less than the cost of the chosen product
    • Machine displays 'PRICE: (cost of product)'

Job 3 - Make Change

If user inserts more money than the cost of the product

  • deposit proper amount of coins in coin collection
  • return change

Job 4 - Return coins

If button to return coins is pressed

  • currentAmount is set to zero

Job 5 - Sold out

if inventory item is sold out

  • Display SOLD OUT

Job 6 - Exact change only

if there is less than $1 in change in the machine

  • Display EXACT CHANGE