Live Data Visualization

Laborwoche WS20/21

Kursleiter: Luca Stetter Prof. Hartmut Bohnacker


Node SetUp

1. install NodeJS

  1. go to the NodeJS Website
  2. download LTS version
  3. open Terminal
  4. check with: node -v

2. install Node-Red

  1. stay in Terminal
  2. terminal: sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red
  3. terminal: node-red
  4. Serveradresse in Browser öffnen: [info] Server wird jetzt auf ausgeführt.

3. add Node-Red Modules

  1. Menü > Palette verwalten
  2. node-red-node-serialport installieren palette manager


1. Install Visual Studio Code

  1. go to VS Code Website
  2. download

2. SetUp VS Code

  1. open VS Code
  2. go to the Extensions Tab on the left
  3. install Live Server
  4. install Live Share
  5. Log In with your Github Account