
A Papacambridge paper downloader

Primary LanguageHTML

Paper Scraper

Downloads papers from Papacambridge.

Getting started

Install python >= 3.10, and poetry (pip install poetry).

Then, install the project dependencies using poetry install, and enter the poetry shell using poetry shell.


usage: python crawl.py [-h] [--directory DIRECTORY] [--report] format

Crawl CAIE past papers from a URL

positional arguments:
  format                Path to the JSON format file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --directory DIRECTORY
                        Directory to save the papers in
  --report              Generate a report from existing download


$ python crawl.py format_9709.json # Puts all files in 9709/
$ python crawl.py format_9709.json --directory maths/ # Puts all files in maths/
$ python crawl.py format_9709.json --directory 9709/ --report # Looks for format_9709, and the directory 9709 to generate a report (in 9709/report.html)