mansion is a Vim session manager. It's all about managing session files. So the options like 'sessionoptions', 'viewoptions', 'viminfo' are not touched. You may find it simple and convenient.
Commands provided are self-explained, such as SessionOpen
, SessionClose
, SessionSave
, etc. See :com Session
for all additional commands. The argument to a command is a session file specification(Look into mansion#session_path()
for how an argument is translated to a full session file path.). And an extra :Restart
command is also provided for restarting gVim.
Corresponding mappings are also provided. But you can disable them all if you wish(See below). See :exe 'map <Leader>s'
for default mappings.
A session could be saved in the following occasions:
- Before Vim exits.
- After a user defined time(
), repeatedly. - Whenever the focused buffer is different(
- Set the central path of session files:
let g:sessiondir = '~/.vim/session'
(default) - Disable auto-saving the current session before exiting Vim:
let g:mansion_no_save_on_exit = 1
- Disable default mappings:
let g:mansion_no_maps = 1
- Remember the session name when Vim exits:
set viminfo^=!
- Pathogen:
cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone git://
- Vundle:
Bundle 'bohrshaw/vim-mansion'
to '.vimrc' and run:BundleInstall
Copyright (c) Bohr Shaw. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself.
See :help license