
Holdout for regression and classification

Primary LanguagePython

Author: Pavlo Boidachenko

    Small Python script for performing holdout(dividing
    dataset on test and train parts) for LIBSVM dataset format.
    Script has guarantee that class ratio will be the same in train
    and test parts.

    Warning: there is no check for correctness your dataset file.
    Warning: script assumes that your classes is a first column

    For classification:
    python3 h4c.py dataset percent_on_test train_part test_part
    For regression:
    python3 h4r.py dataset percent_on_test train_part test_part

    dataset - input dataset in libsvm format
    percent_on_test - how much percent from dataset you divide for testing. 
    train_part - output file will contain training part
    test_part - output file will contain testing part

    Classification Script devides dataset by classes than takes random lines from
    each class and puts them into training and testing files. Ratio
    beetween test and train parts is defined by user. Basically classification script
    tries to save class ratio in test dataset. 
    Regression Script randomizes dataset and puts coresponding parts into train_part
    and test_part.