This is your first basic interaction with Web3. It is based on the hardhat dev environment and interacts with the Ethereum blockchain
These are the instructions to follow:
Action / Command | Description |
git clone <code_link> |
Clone repo in your chosen location, make sure all dependencies are installed |
update WALLET_KEY, API_URL, and API_KEY on secret.json | Paste fields following provided instructions. Recommended, wallet: Metamask, node provider: Alchemy / Infura |
npx hardhat compile |
Compile smart contract |
npx hardhat test |
Run test of the setGreeting() function in HelloWeb3.sol |
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <network_name> |
Deploy smart contract. Returns address at which it was deployed |
update CONTRACT_ADDRESS on interact.js | Paste returned address of deployment to make sure the script interacts with the deployed instance of the contract |
npx hardhat run scripts/interact.js |
Updates the smart contract's greeting live on the blockchain |