
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is your first basic interaction with Web3. It is based on the hardhat dev environment and interacts with the Ethereum blockchain

These are the instructions to follow:

Action / Command Description
git clone <code_link> Clone repo in your chosen location, make sure all dependencies are installed
update WALLET_KEY, API_URL, and API_KEY on secret.json Paste fields following provided instructions. Recommended, wallet: Metamask, node provider: Alchemy / Infura
npx hardhat compile Compile smart contract
npx hardhat test Run test of the setGreeting() function in HelloWeb3.sol
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <network_name> Deploy smart contract. Returns address at which it was deployed
update CONTRACT_ADDRESS on interact.js Paste returned address of deployment to make sure the script interacts with the deployed instance of the contract
npx hardhat run scripts/interact.js Updates the smart contract's greeting live on the blockchain