
Packages specific to the BRC robot arm

Primary LanguageC++


Packages specific to the BRC robot arm


Contains details about the BRC arm model, specificly in the form of an URDF file. This URDF is generated from Solidworks and contains information such as joint types and limits, link dimensions, collision meshes, etc. It is generated staticly and is mainly used as a reference when launching different nodes from brc_arm_config.


In development

Contains the bulk of the code for moveit2 with the BRC arm. The servo_demo.launch.py file creates an rviz window capable of visualizing and moving the arm based on target positions and motion planning, while the servo_keyboard_input.cpp file is used to control the arm in near real time using moveit2_servo features.


  • Joystick support for servo control
  • Joystick support for rviz planning
  • Custom code to support toggling between ground pickup and normal mode
  • Camera visualtion and support
  • Overarching GUI to allow for easier control within one rviz window


In development


In development