
Envoi: Environment variables on steroids

Primary LanguagePHP


Envoi aims to ease the use and documentation of environment variables (env vars) in PHP applications.

Envoi features:

  • a Yaml schema to describe the env vars that may be used to configure an application

  • tools to validate env vars against a schema

  • a tool to assist in the population of a .env file

  • a tool which converts a schema to markdown

Envoi sports a console command which validates a .env file against a schema (by convention, .env.yaml). It also provides checkers that, when invoked early in the start-up phase of an application, will halt an application which doesn't have a complete and valid set of env vars.


composer require linkorb/envoi


Env Checkers

A checker should be invoked as early as possible in the life-cycle of an application. The ideal time is immediately after the environment has been populated with env vars. For example, in a Symfony-based app, the checker should be invoked right after the Dotenv component has loaded the env vars from the various .env* files:


// config/bootstrap.php

use Envoi\EnvChecker;
use Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv;

require dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload.php';

(new Dotenv(false))->loadEnv(dirname(__DIR__).'/.env');
// check the env!
(new EnvChecker())->check(dirname(__DIR__).'/.env.yaml');

The checker will throw an exception to halt the application when invalid env vars are found. The list of validation errors is included in the exception message.

EnvChecker treats the environment as immutable: it validates env vars, but does not modify them. MutableEnvChecker validates env vars and can also transform values, making it the ideal checker when you want to take advantage of the various env var transformation features of Envoi.


Assign one variable based on another in .env file


Metadata environment example .env.yaml Supports types: int, string, url, path

  description: Used to configure foo system
  type: url
  default: "https://username:password@example.com/bla"
  required: true
  description: path to qux files
  type: path
  example: "some example value"
  make-absolute-path: true  #  "Expands  relative paths to absolute paths (i.e. ~/qux becomes /home/joe/qux)
  description: Used for bar things
  type: string
  options: RED,GREEN,BLUE # validates that input is one of the available options

Init environment variables from .env

$foo = getenv('FOO');



Available commands:

validate Validate based on meta file .env.yaml.
configure CLI wizard to ask + update .env file based on .env.yaml.
markdown Output a GitHub Flavored Markdown documentation for the available variables. Look for a <!-- envoi start --> and <!-- envoi end --> tags in file (default to README.md), and insert/update the generated markdown between those tags.

Run tests
