
Invoke OpenSSH from PHP

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Invoke OpenSSH from PHP.

$ cat example.php
require_once 'path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use SSHClient\ClientConfiguration\ClientConfiguration;
use SSHClient\ClientBuilder\ClientBuilder;

# Create a config for the target host

$config = new ClientConfiguration('myhost.example.com', 'boite');
    'IdentityFile' => '~/.ssh/id_ed25519',
    'IdentitiesOnly' => 'yes',

# Use the config to create a client builder for the target host

$builder = new ClientBuilder($config);

# build a Secure Copy client and copy some files to the target host

$scp_client = $builder->buildSecureCopyClient();

# build an SSH client and run a command on the target host

$ssh_client = $builder->buildClient();
print($ssh_client->exec(array('cat', '~/somedir/test.txt'))->getOutput());
# end example.php

$ mkdir -p path/to/somedir
$ echo "Let's perform a quirkafleeg." > path/to/somedir/test.txt
$ php example.php
Let's perform a quirkafleeg.

OpenSSH's config file can be relied on for configuration of SSH and SCP clients:-

$ cat ~/.ssh/config
Host attic attic.example.com
    Hostname attic.example.com
    Port 10022
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
    User willy

$ cat another-example.php
require_once 'path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use SSHClient\ClientConfiguration\ClientConfiguration;
use SSHClient\ClientBuilder\ClientBuilder;

$config = new ClientConfiguration('attic', 'willy');
$builder = new ClientBuilder($config);

$ssh_client = $builder->buildClient();
# end another-example.php

$ php another-example.php